Publications of S Lau

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Slane, D.; Lee, C.; Kolb, M.; Dent, C.; Miao, Y.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Lau, S.; Maček, B.; Balasubramanian, B.; Bayer, M. et al.; Jürgens, G.: The integral spliceosomal component CWC15 is required for development in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 13336 (2020)
Journal Article
Herud, O.; Weijers, D.; Lau, S.; Jürgens, G.: Auxin responsiveness of the MONOPTEROS-BODENLOS module in primary root initiation critically depends on the nuclear import kinetics of the Aux/IAA inhibitor BODENLOS. The Plant Journal 85 (2), pp. 269 - 277 (2016)
Journal Article
Kong, J.; Lau, S.; Jürgens, G.: Twin plants from supernumerary egg cells in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 25 (2), pp. 225 - 230 (2015)
Journal Article
De Smet, I.; Lau, S.; Ehrismann, J.; Axiotis, I.; Kolb, M.; Kientz, M.; Weijers, D.; Jürgens, G.: Transcriptional repression of BODENLOS by HD-ZIP transcription factor HB5 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (10), pp. 3009 - 3019 (2013)
Journal Article
Storchova, H.; Müller, K.; Lau, S.; Olson, M.: Mosaic origins of a complex chimeric mitochondrial gene in Silene vulgaris. PLOS ONE 7 (2), e30401 (2012)
Journal Article
Lau, S.; Slane, D.; Herud, O.; Kong, J.; Jürgens, G.: Early embryogenesis in flowering plants: setting up the basic body pattern. Annual Review of Plant Biology 63, pp. 483 - 506 (2012)
Journal Article
Lau, S.; De Smet, I.; Kolb, M.; Meinhardt, H.; Jürgens, G.: Auxin triggers a genetic switch. Nature Cell Biology 13 (5), pp. 611 - 615 (2011)
Journal Article
De Smet, I.; Voss, U.; Lau, S.; Wilson, M.; Shao, N.; Timme, R.; Swarup, R.; Kerr, I.; Hodgman, C.; Bock, R. et al.; Bennett, M.; Jürgens, G.; Beeckman, T.: Unraveling the Evolution of Auxin Signaling. Plant Physiology 155 (1), pp. 209 - 221 (2011)
Journal Article
De Smet, I.; Lau, S.; Mayer, U.; Jürgens, G.: Embryogenesis: the humble beginnings of plant life. The Plant Journal 61 (6), pp. 959 - 970 (2010)
Journal Article
Lau, S.; Ehrismann, J.; Schlereth, A.; Takada, S.; Mayer, U.; Jürgens, G.: Cell-cell communication in Arabidopsis early embryogenesis. European Journal of Cell Biology: EJCB 89 (2-3), pp. 225 - 230 (2010)
Journal Article
De Smet, I.; Lau, S.; Voß, U.; Vanneste, S.; Benjamins, R.; Rademacher, E.; Schlereth, A.; De Rybel, B.; Vassileva, V.; Grunewald, W. et al.; Naudts, M.; Levesque, M.; Ehrismann, J.; Inzé, D.; Luschnig, C.; Benfey, P.; Weijers, D.; Van Montagu, M.; Bennett, M.; Jürgens, G.; Beeckman, T.: Bimodular auxin response controls organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (6), pp. 2705 - 2710 (2010)

Poster (2)

Herud, O.; Lau, S.; Weijers, D.; Jürgens, G.: Nuclear import receptors aff ect the transcriptional and developmental output of the BODENLOS-MONOPTEROS module. 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2015), Paris, France (2015)
De Smet, I.; Lau, S.; Ehrismann, J.; Axiotis, I.; Kientz, M.; Weijers, D.: Auxin-independent regulation of IAA12/BDL expression during embryo development. 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), Edinburgh, UK (2009)
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