Publications of H Keller

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Ahl, V.; Keller, H.; Schmidt, S.; Weichenrieder, O.: Retrotransposition and Crystal Structure of an Alu RNP in the Ribosome-Stalling Conformation. Molecular Cell 60 (5), pp. 715 - 727 (2015)
Journal Article
Bolger, A.; Scossa, F.; Bolger, M.; Lanz, C.; Maumus, F.; Tohge, T.; Quesneville, H.; Alseekh, S.; Sorensen, I.; Lichtenstein, G. et al.; Fich, E.; Conte, M.; Keller, H.; Schneeberger, K.; Schwacke, R.; Ofner, I.; Vrebalov, J.; Xu, Y.; Osorio, S.; Aflitos, S.; Schijlen, E.; Jimenez-Gomez, J.; Ryngajllo, M.; Kimura, S.; Kumar, R.; Koenig, D.; Headland, L.; Maloof, J.; Sinha, N.; van Ham, R.; Lankhorst, R.; Mao, L.; Vogel, A.; Arsova, B.; Panstruga, R.; Fei, Z.; Rose, J.; Zamir, D.; Carrari, F.; Giovannoni, J.; Weigel, D.; Usadel, B.; Fernie, A.: The genome of the stress-tolerant wild tomato species Solanum pennellii. Nature Genetics 46 (9), pp. 1034 - 1038 (2014)
Journal Article
Oberhettinger, P.; Schütz, M.; Raddatz, G.; Keller, H.; Autenrieth, I.; Linke, D.: The sequence of the pYV virulence plasmid from Yersinia enterocolitica strain WA-314 biogroup 1B serotype O:8. Plasmid 65 (1), pp. 20 - 24 (2011)
Journal Article
Velicer, G.; Raddatz, G.; Keller, H.; Deiss, S.; Lanz, C.; Dinkelacker, I.; Schuster, S.: Comprehensive mutation identification in an evolved bacterial cooperator and its cheating ancestor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (21), pp. 8107 - 8112 (2006)
Journal Article
Rendulic, S.; Jagtap, P.; Rosinus, A.; Eppinger, M.; Baar, C.; Lanz, C.; Keller, H.; Lambert, C.; Evans, K.; Goesmann, A. et al.; Meyer, F.; Sockett, R.; Schuster, S.: A predator unmasked: life cycle of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus from a genomic perspective. Science 303 (5658), pp. 689 - 692 (2004)
Journal Article
Baar, C.; Eppinger, M.; Raddatz, G.; Simon, J.; Lanz, C.; Klimmek, O.; Nandakumar, R.; Gross, R.; Rosinus, A.; Keller, H. et al.; Jagtap, P.; Linke, D.; Meyer , F.; Lederer, H.; Schuster, S.: Complete genome sequence and analysis of Wolinella succinogenes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (20), pp. 11690 - 11695 (2003)
Journal Article
Srinivasan, J.; Sinz, W.; Lanz, C.; Brand, A.; Nandakumar, R.; Raddatz, G.; Witte, H.; Keller, H.; Kipping, I.; Pires-daSilva, A. et al.; Jesse, T.; Millare, J.; de Both, M.; Schuster, S.; Sommer, R.: A bacterial artificial chromosome-based genetic linkage map of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. Genetics 162 (1), pp. 129 - 134 (2002)
Journal Article
Sommer, R.; Jesse, T.; Schuster, S.; Raddatz, G.; Keller, H.; Lanz, C.: Towards a Pristionchus genome map I: P. pacificus BAC Library construction and end sequencing of BAC clones. The Worm Breeder’s Gazette 17 (1), p. 48 (2001)

Poster (1)

Yant, L.; Ott, F.; Keller, H.; Weigel, D.; Schmid, M.: Design and analysis of ChIP-Seq experiments in plants: A systematic comparison of ChIP-Seq and ChIP-chip for APETALA2 (AP2), FD, and SCHLAFMÜTZE(SMZ). 20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2009), Edinburgh, UK (2009)
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