Publications of I Rubio-Somoza

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Vasseur, F.; Baldrich, P.; Jiménez-Góngora, T.; Villar-Martin, L.; Weigel, D.; Rubio-Somoza, I.: miR472 deficiency enhances Arabidopsis thaliana defense without reducing seed production. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 37 (12), pp. 819 - 827 (2024)
Journal Article
von Born, P.; Bernardo-Faura, M.; Rubio-Somoza, I.: An artificial miRNA system reveals that relative contribution of translational inhibition to miRNA-mediated regulation depends on environmental and developmental factors in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 13 (2), e0192984 (2018)
Journal Article
Soto-Suarez, M.; Baldrich, P.; Weigel, D.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; San Segundo, B.: The Arabidopsis miR396 mediates pathogen-associated molecular pattern-triggered immune responses against fungal pathogens. Scientific Reports 7, 44898 (2017)
Journal Article
Martinho, C.; Confraria, A.; Elias, C.; Crozet, P.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Weigel, D.; Baena-González, E.: Dissection of miRNA pathways using arabidopsis mesophyll protoplasts. Molecular Plant 8 (2), pp. 261 - 275 (2015)
Journal Article
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Zhu, C.-M.; Confraria, A.; Martinho, C.; von Born, P.; Wang, J.-W.; Weigel, D.: Temporal control of leaf complexity by miRNA-regulated licensing of protein complexes. Current Biology 24 (22), pp. 2714 - 2719 (2014)
Journal Article
Zhurov, V.; Navarro, M.; Bruinsma, K.; Bruinsma, V.; Arbona, V.; Santamaria, M.; Cazaux, M.; Wybouw, N.; Osborne, E.; Ens, C. et al.; Rioja, C.; Vermeirssen, V.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Krishna, P.; Diaz, I.; Schmid, M.; Gómez-Cadenas, A.; Van de Peer, Y.; Grbic, M.; Clark, R.; Van Leeuwen, T.; Grbic, V.: Reciprocal responses in the interaction between Arabidopsis and the cell-content-feeding chelicerate herbivore spider mite. Plant Physiology 164 (1), pp. 384 - 399 (2014)
Journal Article
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Weigel, D.: Coordination of flower maturation by a regulatory circuit of three microRNAs. PLoS Genetics 9 (3), e1003374 (2013)
Journal Article
Manavella, P.; Koenig, D.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Burbano, H.; Becker, C.; Weigel, D.: Tissue-specific silencing of Arabidopsis SU(VAR)3-9 HOMOLOG8 by miR171a. Plant Physiology 161 (2), pp. 805 - 812 (2013)
Journal Article
Breakfield, N.; Corcoran, D.; Petricka, J.; Shen, J.; Sae-Seaw, J.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Weigel, D.; Ohler, U.; Benfey, P.: High-resolution experimental and computational profiling of tissue-specific known and novel miRNAs in Arabidopsis. Genome Research 22 (1), pp. 163 - 176 (2012)
Journal Article
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Weigel, D.; Franco-Zorilla, J.-M.; García, J.; Paz-Ares, J.: ceRNAs: miRNA target mimic mimics. Cell 147 (7), pp. 1431 - 1432 (2011)
Journal Article
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Weigel, D.: MicroRNA networks and developmental plasticity in plants. Trends in Plant Science 16 (5), pp. 258 - 264 (2011)
Journal Article
Todesco, M.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Paz-Ares, J.; Weigel, D.: A collection of target mimics for comprehensive analysis of microRNA function in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 6 (7), e1001031 (2010)
Journal Article
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Cuperus, J.; Weigel, D.; Carrington, J.: Regulation and functional specialization of small RNA-target nodes during plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 12 (5), pp. 622 - 627 (2009)
Journal Article
Franco-Zorrilla, J.; Valli, A.; Todesco, M.; Mateos, I.; Puga, M.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Leyva, A.; Weigel, D.; García, J.; Paz-Ares, J.: Target mimicry provides a new mechanism for regulation of microRNA activity. Nature Genetics 39 (8), pp. 1033 - 1037 (2007)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Manavella, P.; Rubio-Somoza, I.: Engineering Elements for Gene Silencing: The Artificial MicroRNAs Technology. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 732. Springer, US (2011)
Book Chapter
Rubio-Somoza, I.; Manavella, P.: Mimicry technology: suppressing small RNA activity in plants. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 732. Springer, US (2011)

Poster (1)

Martinho, H.; Confraria, A.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Baena-González, E.: Mirnas Mediate the Repression of Gene Expression Induced by Energy Stress. 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2012), Wien, Austria (2012)

Preprint (1)

Vasseur, F.; Baldrich, P.; Jimenez-Gongora, T.; Villar-Martin, L.; Weigel, D.; Rubio-Somoza, I.: miR472 deficiency enhances Arabidopsis thaliana defence without reducing seed production. (submitted)
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