Publications of KE Huus

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Huus, K.; Ley, R.: Gut bacterial metabolism produces neuroactive steroids in pregnant women. Life Metabolism 3 (6), loae030 (2024)
Journal Article
de la Cuesta Zuluaga, J.; Huus, K.; Youngblut, N.; Escobar, J.; Ley, R.: Obesity is the main driver of altered gut microbiome functions in the metabolically unhealthy. Gut Microbes 15 (2), 2246634 (2023)
Journal Article
Suzuki, T.; Fitzstevens, J.; Schmidt, V.; Enav, H.; Huus, K.; Mbong Ngwese, M.; Grießhammer, A.; Pfleiderer, A.; Adegbite, B.; Zinsou, J. et al.; Esen, M.; Velavan, T.; Adegnika, A.; Song, L.; Spector, T.; Muehlbauer, A.; Marchi, N.; Kang, H.; Maier, L.; Blekhman, R.; Ségurel, L.; Ko, G.; Youngblut, N.; Kremsner, P.; Ley, R.: Codiversification of gut microbiota with humans. Science 377 (6612), pp. 1328 - 1332 (2022)
Journal Article
Huus, K.; Ley, R.: Blowing Hot and Cold: Body Temperature and the Microbiome. mSystems 6 (5), e00707-21 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Huus, K.: Vaccine-induced fevers are associated with flagellar activity of the gut microbiome. In 75th Mosbacher Kolloquium "The Microbiome - from Understanding to Modulation". 75th Mosbacher Kolloquium "The Microbiome - from Understanding to Modulation", Mosbach, Germany, March 21, 2024 - March 23, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Huus, K.; Esen, M.; μ. Study Group; Dauser, S.; Loum, S.; Youngblut, N.; Tyakht, A.; Ley, R.: Vaccine-induced fevers are associated with diet and the gut microbiome. In 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), FT 14, p. 21. 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), Tübingen, Germany, October 11, 2023 - October 13, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Vonaesch, P.; Han, J.; Huus, K.; Borchers, C.; Guillemot, V.; Finlay, B.; Sansonetti, P.; Afribiota Investigators: Stunting is associated with changes in the fecal bile acid profile of African children. In Annual Congress of the Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM 2019), S-12, p. 36. Annual Congress of the Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM 2019), Zürich, Switzerland, September 03, 2019 - September 04, 2019. (2019)

Talk (3)

Huus, K.: Evolutionary histories and adaptations of human gut microbiota. 3rd International Conference Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI 2023), Tübingen, Germany (2023)
Huus, K.: From famine to fever: immunity, diet, and the microbiome. University of Ottawa: Special Seminar Series on Microbiomes, Ottawa, Canada (2022)
Huus, K.: The Development of IgA-Lactobacillus Interactions Is Disrupted during Malnutrition and Environmental Enteropathy. Keystone Symposium: Microbiome, Host Resistance and Disease (X4), Banff, AB, Canada (2018)

Poster (1)

Huus, K.; Esen, M.; Gabor, J.; Gaile, J.; Fleischmann, W.; Smeenk, G.; Krauser, A.; Siebner, A.; Flügge, J.; Roggendorf, E. et al.; Allgayer De Moraes, R.; Dauser, S.; Loum, S.; Youngblut, N.; Ley, R.: Fever-microbiome interactions during human vaccination: The µHEAT study. Cell Symposia: Infection Biology in the Age of the Microbiome, Paris, France (2023)

Preprint (2)

Huus, K.; μHEAT Clinical Study Group; Tan, Y.; Abo, H.; Keller, R.; Atay, E.; Vu, D.; Dauser, S.; Prokipchuk, A.; Tyakht, A. et al.; Youngblut, N.; Chassaing, B.; Kang, S.-M.; Parsonnet, J.; Kremsner, P.; Maier, L.; Gewirtz, A.; Esen, M.; Ley, R.: Flagellin in the human gut microbiome is a diet-adjustable adjuvant for vaccination. (submitted)
Ngwese, M.; Adegbite, B.; Zinsou, J.; Fitzstevens, J.; Schmidt, V.; Moure, A.; Maloum, M.; Tyakht, A.; Huus, K.; Youngblut, N. et al.; Kremsner, P.; Adegnika, A.; Ley, R.: Infection with gut parasites correlates with gut microbiome diversity across human populations in Africa. (submitted)
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