Publications of M Exposito-Alonso

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Leventhal, L.; Symeonidi, E.; Shirsekar, G.; Hawks, A.; Monroe, G.; Pathodopsis Team; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Borgelsen, J. et al.; Weigel, D.; Schwab, R.: Continental-scale associations of Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere members with host genotype and drought. Nature Microbiology 9 (10), pp. 2748 - 2758 (2024)
Journal Article
Lang, P.; Erberich, J.; Lopez, L.; Weiß, C.; Amador, G.; Fung, H.; Latorre, S.; Lasky, J.; Burbano, H.; Expósito-Alonso, M. et al.; Bergmann, D.: Century-long timelines of herbarium genomes predict plant stomatal response to climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 (9), pp. 1641 - 1653 (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, J.; Li, L.; Kim, J.; Neuhäuser, B.; Wang, M.; Thelen, M.; Hilleary, R.; Chi, Y.; Wei, L.; Venkataramani, K. et al.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Liu, C.; Keck, J.; Barragan, A.; Schwab, R.; Lutz, U.; Pei, Z.-M.; He, S.-Y.; Ludewig, U.; Weigel, D.; Zhu, W.: Small proteins modulate ion-channel-like ACD6 to regulate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Cell 83 (23), pp. 4386 - 4397 (2023)
Journal Article
Monroe, J.; Srikant, T.; Carbonell-Bejerano, P.; Becker, C.; Lensink, M.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Klein, M.; Hildebrandt, J.; Neumann, M.; Kliebenstein, D. et al.; Weng, M.-L.; Imbert, E.; Ågren, J.; Rutter, M.; Fenster, C.; Weigel, D.: Author Correction: Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 620 (7973), p. E13 (2023)
Journal Article
Monroe, J.; Murray, K.; Xian, W.; Srikant, T.; Carbonell-Bejerano, P.; Becker, C.; Lensink, M.; Exposito Alonso, M.; Klein, M.; Hildebrandt, J. et al.; Neumann, M.; Kliebenstein, D.; Weng, M.-E.; Imbert, L.; Ågren, J.; Rutter, M.; Fenster, C.; Weigel, D.: Reply to: Re-evaluating evidence for adaptive mutation rate variation. Nature 619 (7971), pp. E57 - E60 (2023)
Journal Article
Monroe, J.; Srikant, T.; Carbonell-Bejerano, P.; Becker, C.; Lensink, M.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Klein, M.; Hildebrandt, J.; Neumann, M.; Kliebenstein, D. et al.; Weng, M.-L.; Imbert, E.; Ågren, J.; Rutter, M.; Fenster, C.; Weigel, D.: Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 602 (7895), pp. 101 - 105 (2022)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Drost, H.-G.; Burbano, H.; Weigel, D.: The Earth BioGenome project: opportunities and challenges for plant genomics and conservation. The Plant Journal 102 (2), pp. 222 - 229 (2020)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; 500 Genomes Field Experiment Team; Burbano, H.; Bossdorf, O.; Nielsen, R.; Weigel, D.: Publisher Correction: Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates. Nature 574 (7778), p. E16 (2019)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; 500 Genomes Field Experiment Team; Burbano, H.; Bossdorf, O.; Nielsen, R.; Weigel, D.: Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates. Nature 573 (7772), pp. 126 - 129 (2019)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Brennan, A.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Pico, F.: Spatio-temporal variation in fitness responses to contrasting environments in Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution: international journal of organic evolution 72 (8), pp. 1570 - 1586 (2018)
Journal Article
Vasseur, F.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Ayala-Garay, O.; Wang, G.; Enquist, B.; Vile, D.; Violle, C.; Weigel, D.: Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (13), pp. 3416 - 3421 (2018)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Becker, C.; Schuenemann, V.; Reiter, E.; Setzer, C.; Slovak, R.; Brachi, B.; Hagmann, J.; Grimm, D.; Chen, J. et al.; Busch, W.; Bergelson, J.; Ness, R.; Krause, J.; Burbano, H.; Weigel, D.: The rate and potential relevance of new mutations in a colonizing plant lineage. PLoS Genetics 14 (2), e1007155 (2018)
Journal Article
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Vasseur, F.; Ding, W.; Wang, G.; Burbano, H.; Weigel, D.: Genomic basis and evolutionary potential for extreme drought adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (2), pp. 352 - 358 (2018)
Journal Article
Lee, C.-R.; Svardal, H.; Farlow, A.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Ding, W.; Novikova, P.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Weigel, D.; Nordborg, M.: On the post-glacial spread of human commensal Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 8, 14458 (2017)
Journal Article
Iakovidis, M.; Teixeira, P.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Cowper, M.; Law, T.; Liu, Q.; Vu, M.; Dang, T.; Corwin, J.; Weigel, D. et al.; Dangl, J.; Grant, S.: Effector-Triggered Immune Response in Arabidopsis thaliana Is a Quantitative Trait. Genetics 204 (1), pp. 337 - 353 (2016)
Journal Article
1001 Genomes Consortium; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Andrade, J.; Becker, C.; Bemm, F.; Bergelson, J.; Borgwardt, K.; Cao, J.; Chae, E.; Dezwaan, T. et al.; Ding, W.; Ecker, J.; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Farlow, A.; Fitz, J.; Gan, X.; Grimm, D.; Hancock, A.; Henz, S.; Holm, S.; Horton, M.; Jarsulic, M.; Kerstetter, R.; Korte, A.; Korte, P.; Lanz, C.; Lee, C.-R.; Meng, D.; Michael, T.; Mott, R.; Muliyati, N.; Nägele, T.; Nagler, M.; Nizhynska, V.; Nordborg, M.; Novikova, P.; Picó, F.; Platzer, A.; Rabanal, F.; Rodriguez, A.; Rowan, B.; Salomé, P.; Schmid, K.; Schmitz, R.; Seren, Ü.; Sperone, F.; Sudkamp, M.; Svardal, H.; Tanzer, M.; Todd, D.; Volchenboum, S.; Wang, C.; Wang, G.; Wang, X.; Weckwerth, W.; Weigel, D.; Zhou, X.: 1,135 Genomes Reveal the Global Pattern of Polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell 166, pp. 481 - 491 (2016)

Meeting Abstract (9)

Meeting Abstract
Kyung, J.; Ruffley, M.; Lutz, U.; Weigel, D.; Expósito-Alonso, M.: Disentangling the genetic trade-offs between flowering time and water use efficiency. In 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2024), P9-1, p. 575. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2024), San Diego, CA, USA, July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lang, P.; Erberich, J.; Lopez, L.; Weiss, C.; Amador, G.; Fung, H.; Latorre, S.; Lasky, J.; Burbano, H.; Exposito-Alonso, M. et al.; Bergmann, D.: Tracking molecular mechanisms of stomatal adaptation to climate change with herbaria. In 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2024), C9-4, p. 140. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2024), San Diego, CA, USA, July 15, 2024 - July 19, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Kieschnick, C.; Leventhal, L.; Ruffley, M.; Lutz, U.; Exposito-Alonso, M.: Breaking the escape-avoidance drought adaptation tradeoff using A. thaliana flc knockouts. In Botany 2022. Botany 2022, Anchorage, AK, USA, July 24, 2022 - July 27, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Exposito-Alonso, M.; Burbano, H.; Bossdorf, O.; Nielsen, R.; Weigel, D.: Natural selection on the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in present and future climates. In Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2020), 113, p. 39. Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2020), April 22, 2020 - April 25, 2020. (2020)
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