Publications of T Dickmeis

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Weger, B.; Sahinbas, M.; Otto, G.; Mracek, P.; Armant, O.; Dolle, D.; Lahiri, K.; Vallone, D.; Ettwiller, L.; Geisler, R. et al.: The light responsive transcriptome of the zebrafish: function and regulation. PLoS One 6 (2), e17080 (2011)
Journal Article
Dickmeis, T.; Lahiri, K.; Nica, G.; Vallone, D.; Santoriello, C.; Neumann, C.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Foulkes, N.: Glucocorticoids Play a Key Role in Circadian Cell Cycle Rhythms. PLoS Biology 5 (4), e78 (2007)
Journal Article
Vallone, D.; Lahiri, K.; Dickmeis, T.; Foulkes, N.: Start the clock! Circadian rhythms and development. Developmental Dynamics 236 (1), pp. 142 - 155 (2007)
Journal Article
Vallone, D.; Lahiri, K.; Dickmeis, T.; Foulkes, N.: Zebrafish cell clocks feel the heat and see the light! Zebrafish 2 (3), pp. 171 - 187 (2005)
Journal Article
Lahiri, K.; Vallone, D.; Gondi, S.; Santoriello, C.; Dickmeis, T.; Foulkes, N.: Temperature regulates transcription in the zebrafish circadian clock. PLoS Biology 3 (11), e351 (2005)
Journal Article
Dickmeis, T.; Müller, F.: The identification and functional characterisation of conserved regulatory elements in developmental genes. Briefings in Functional Genomics & Proteomics 3 (4), pp. 332 - 350 (2005)