Publications of KO Kopec

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Dunin-Horkawicz, S.; Kopec, K.; Lupas, A.: Prokaryotic ancestry of eukaryotic protein networks mediating innate immunity and apoptosis. Journal of Molecular Biology 426 (7), pp. 1568 - 1582 (2014)
Journal Article
Kopec, K.; Lupas, A.: β-Propeller blades as ancestral peptides in protein evolution. PLoS One 8 (10), e77074 (2013)
Journal Article
Clarke, M.; Lohan, A.; Liu, B.; Lagkouvardos, I.; Roy, S.; Zafar, N.; Bertelli, C.; Schilde, C.; Kianianmomeni, A.; Bürglin, T. et al.: Genome of Acanthamoeba castellanii highlights extensive lateral gene transfer and early evolution of tyrosine kinase signaling. Genome Biology: Biology for the Post-Genomic Era 14 (2), R11 (2013)
Journal Article
Kalev, I.; Mechelke, M.; Kopec, K.; Holder, T.; Carstens, S.; Habeck, M.: CSB: a Python framework for structural bioinformatics. Bioinformatics 28 (22), pp. 2996 - 2997 (2012)
Journal Article
Rockel, B.; Kopec, K.; Lupas, A.; Baumeister, W.: Structure and function of tripeptidyl peptidase II, a giant cytosolic protease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics 1824 (1), pp. 237 - 245 (2012)
Journal Article
Kopec, K.; Alva, V.; Lupas, A.: Bioinformatics of the TULIP domain superfamily. Biochemical Society Transactions 39 (4), pp. 1033 - 1038 (2011)
Journal Article
Kopec, K.; Alva, V.; Lupas, A.: Homology of SMP domains to the TULIP superfamily of lipid-binding proteins provides a structural basis for lipid exchange between ER and mitochondria. Bioinformatics 26 (16), pp. 1927 - 1931 (2010)