Publications of V-R Chellamuthu

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Chellamuthu, V.-R.; Ermilova, E.; Lapina, T.; Lüddecke, J.; Minaeva, E.; Herrmann, C.; Hartmann, M.; Forchhammer, K.: A widespread glutamine-sensing mechanism in the plant kingdom. Cell 159 (5), pp. 1188 - 1199 (2014)
Journal Article
Chellamuthu, V.; Alva, V.; Forchhammer, K.: From cyanobacteria to plants: conservation of PII functions during plastid evolution. Planta 237 (2), pp. 451 - 462 (2013)
Journal Article
Fokina, O.; Chellamuthu, V.-R.; Forchhammer, K.; Zeth, K.: Mechanism of 2-oxoglutarate signaling by the Synechococcus elongatus PII signal transduction protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (46), pp. 19760 - 19765 (2010)
Journal Article
Fokina, O.; Chellamuthu, V.-R.; Zeth, K.; Forchhammer, K.: A novel signal transduction protein P(II) variant from Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 indicates a two-step process for NAGK-P(II) complex formation. Journal of Molecular Biology 399 (3), pp. 410 - 421 (2010)

Poster (2)

Chellamuthu, V.; Hartmann, M.; Forchhammer, K.: Novel structures of PII signal transduction proteins from oxygenic phototropic organisms. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM 2012), Tübingen, Germany (2012)
Fokina, O.; Chellamuthu, V.-R.; Zeth, K.; Forchhammer, K.: From 2-Oxoglutarate sensing to enzyme control by the Synechococcus elongatus PII signal transduction protein. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM 2012), Karlsruhe, Germany (2011)
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