Publications of Z Hong

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Chen, X.-R.; Poudel, L.; Hong, Z.; Johnen, P.; Katti, S.; Tripathi, A.; Nile, A.; Green, S.; Khan, D.; Schaaf, G. et al.; Bono, F.; Bankaitis, V.: Mechanisms by Which Small Molecules of Diverse Chemotypes Arrest Sec14 Lipid Transfer Activity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 299 (2), 102861 (2023)
Journal Article
Pries, V.; Nöcker, C.; Khan, D.; Johnen, P.; Hong, Z.; Tripathi, A.; Keller, A.-L.; Fitz, M.; Perruccio, F.; Filipuzzi, I. et al.; Thavam, S.; Aust, T.; Riedl, R.; Ziegler, S.; Bono, F.; Schaaf, G.; Bankaitis, V.; Waldmann, H.; Hoepfner, D.: Target Identification and Mechanism of Action of Picolinamide and Benzamide Chemotypes with Antifungal Properties. Cell Chemical Biology 25 (3), pp. 279 - 290 (2018)
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