Publications of SC Di Rienzi

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Moreno-Gallego, J.; Chou, S.-P.; Di Rienzi, S.; Goodrich, J.; Spector, T.; Bell, J.; Youngblut, N.; Hewson, I.; Reyes, A.; Ley, R.: Virome Diversity Correlates with Intestinal Microbiome Diversity in Adult Monozygotic Twins. Cell Host & Microbe 25 (2), pp. 261 - 272 (2019)
Journal Article
Alves da Silva, A.; de Castro Oliveira, S.; Di Rienzi, S.; Brown-Steinke, K.; Dehan, L.; Rood, J.; Carreira, V.; Le, H.; Maier, E.; Betz, K. et al.: Murine Methyl Donor Deficiency Impairs Early Growth in Association with Dysmorphic Small Intestinal Crypts and Reduced Gut Microbial Community Diversity. Current Developments in Nutrition 3 (1), nzy070 (2019)
Journal Article
Di Rienzi, S.; Jacobson, J.; Kennedy, E.; Bell, M.; Shi, Q.; Waters, J.; Lawrence, P.; Brenna, J.; Britton, R.; Walter, J. et al.: Resilience of small intestinal beneficial bacteria to the toxicity of soybean oil fatty acids. eLife 7, e32581 (2018)
Journal Article
Goodrich, J.; Di Rienzi, S.; Poole, A.; Koren, O.; Walters, W.; Caporaso, J.; Knight, R.; Ley, R.: Conducting a microbiome study. Cell 158 (2), pp. 250 - 262 (2014)
Journal Article
Di Rienzi, S.; Sharon, I.; Wrighton, K.; Koren, O.; Hug, L.; Thomas, B.; Goodrich, J.; Bell, J.; Spector, T.; Banfield, J. et al.: The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria. eLife 2, e01102 (2013)