Publications of A Nordheim
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
12 (17), e031044 (2023)
Age-Associated Changes in Endothelial Transcriptome and Epigenetic Landscapes Correlate With Elevated Risk of Cerebral Microbleeds. Journal of the American Heart Association 2.
Journal Article
: Mural cell SRF controls pericyte migration, vessel patterning and blood flow. Circulation Research 131 (4), pp. 308 - 327 (2022)
Journal Article
: Identification of Ppar γ-modulated miRNA hubs that target the fibrotic tumor microenvironment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (1), pp. 454 - 463 (2020)
Journal Article
20 (6), pp. 837 - 846 (2010)
Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus reveals distinct proteome structure of nematode models. Genome Research 5.
Journal Article
2 (5), pp. 1216 - 1224 (2007)
Stripe assay to examine axonal guidance and cell migration. Nature Protocols 6.
Journal Article
588 (22), pp. 5241 - 5246 (2006)
Rab14 is part of the early endosomal clathrin-coated TGN microdomain. FEBS Letters 7.
Journal Article
23 (58), pp. 9314 - 9325 (2004)
WIPI-1alpha (WIPI49), a member of the novel 7-bladed WIPI protein family, is aberrantly expressed in human cancer and is linked to starvation-induced autophagy. Oncogene Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
The Transcription Factor SRF Regulates Pericyte Migration During Retinal Angiogenes. In 21st International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM 2020), p. 182. 21st International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM 2020), Seoul, South Korea, October 09, 2020 - October 10, 2020. (2020)
Poster (4)
Search for age-dependent transcriptomic and epigenetic changes in murine cerebral endothelial cells. GBM/DGZ Fall Conference 2019: Age-Related Human Diseases, Special Focus: Autophagy, Tübingen, Germany (2019)
Functions of the transcription factor SRF in pericytes of the murine neonatal retina in physiological and pathological angiogenesis. GBM/DGZ Fall Conference 2019: Age-Related Human Diseases, Special Focus: Autophagy, Tübingen, Germany (2019)
Autophagosomal WIPI puncta image analysis using CellProfiler on tumor cells isolated from a mouse model for hepatocellular carcinoma. GBM/DGZ Fall Conference 2019: Age-Related Human Diseases, Special Focus: Autophagy, Tübingen, Germany (2019)
Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus Reveals Distinct Proteome Structure of Nematode Models. 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Satl Lake City, UT, USA (2010)