Publications of P Macchi

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Fritzsche, R.; Karra, D.; Bennett, A.; Kang, F.; Heraud-Farlow , J.; Tolino, M.; Doyle, M.; Bauer, K.; Thomas, S.; Planyavsky, M. et al.; Arn, E.; Bakosova, A.; Jungwirth, K.; Hörmann, A.; Palfi, Z.; Sandholzer, J.; Schwarz, M.; Macchi, P.; Colinge, J.; Superti-Furga, G.; Kiebler, M.: Interactome of two diverse RNA granules links mRNA localization to translational repression in neurons. Cell Reports 5 (6), pp. 1749 - 1762 (2013)
Journal Article
Vessey, J.; Macchi, P.; Stein, J.; Mikl, M.; Hawker, K.; Vogelsang, P.; Wieczorek, K.; Vendra, G.; Riefler, J.; Tübing, F. et al.; Aparicio, S.; Abel, T.; Kiebler, M.: A loss of function allele for murine Staufen1 leads to impairment of dendritic Staufen1-RNP delivery and dendritic spine morphogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105 (42), pp. 16374 - 16379 (2008)
Journal Article
Goetze, B.; Tuebing, F.; Xie, Y.; Dorostkar, M.; Thomas, S.; Pehl, U.; Boehm, S.; Macchi, P.; Kiebler, M.: The brain-specific double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen2 is required for dendritic spine morphogenesis. The Journal of Cell Biology 172 (2), pp. 221 - 231 (2006)
Journal Article
Kiebler, M.; Jansen, R.-P.; Dahm, R.; Macchi, P.: A putative nuclear function for mammalian Staufen. Trends in biochemical sciences 30 (5), pp. 228 - 231 (2005)
Journal Article
Macchi, P.; Brownawell, A.; Grunewald, B.; DesGroseillers, L.; Macara, I.; Kiebler, M.: The brain-specific double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen2: nucleolar accumulation and isoform-specific exportin-5-dependent export. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (30), pp. 31440 - 31444 (2004)
Journal Article
Macchi, P.; Goetze, B.; Tübing, F.; Mallardo, M.; Köhrmann, M.; Kiebler, M.: Ein Blick in die molekularen Vorgänge beim Lernen: A first glimpse at the molecular processes underlying learning. Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2003/2004 (2004)
Journal Article
Goetze, B.; Grunewald, B.; Kiebler, M.; Macchi, P.: Coupling the iron-responsive element to GFP: an inducible system to study translation in a single living cell. Science's STKE 2003 (204), PL12 (2003)
Journal Article
Macchi, P.; Kroening, S.; Palacios, I.; Baldassa, S.; Grunewald, B.; Ambrosino, C.; Goetze, B.; Lupas, A.; Johnston, D.; Kiebler, M.: Barentsz, a new component of the Staufen-containing ribonucleoprotein particles in mammalian cells, interacts with Staufen in an RNA-dependent manner. The Journal of Neuroscience 23 (13), pp. 5778 - 5788 (2003)
Journal Article
Macchi, P.; Hemraj, I.; Goetze, B.; Grunewald, B.; Mallardo, M.; Kiebler, M.: A GFP-based system to uncouple mRNA transport from translation in a single living neuron. Molecular Biology of the Cell 14 (4), pp. 1570 - 1582 (2003)
Journal Article
Mallardo, M.; Deitinghoff, A.; Müller, J.; Goetze, B.; Macchi, P.; Peters, C.; Kiebler, M.: Isolation and characterization of Staufen-containing ribonucleoprotein particles from rat brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (4), pp. 2100 - 2105 (2003)
Journal Article
Monnier, P.; Sierra, A.; Macchi, P.; Deitinghoff, L.; Andersen, J.; Mann, M.; Flad, M.; Hornberger, M.; Stahl, B.; Bonhoeffer, F. et al.; Mueller, B.: RGM is a repulsive guidance molecule for retinal axons. Nature 419 (6905), pp. 392 - 395 (2002)
Journal Article
Simons, M.; Kramer, E.; Macchi, P.; Rathke-Hartlieb, S.; Trotter, J.; Nave, K.-A.; Schulz, J.: Overexpression of the myelin proteolipid protein leads to accumulation of cholesterol and proteolipid protein in endosomes/lysosomes: implications for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB 157 (2), pp. 327 - 336 (2002)
Journal Article
Mueller, B.; Dütting, D.; Haase, A.; Feucht, A.; Macchi, P.: Partial respecification of nasotemporal polarity in double-temporal chick and chimeric chick-quail eyes. Mechanisms of Development 74 (1-2), pp. 15 - 28 (1998)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Müller, B.; Macchi, P.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Comparative analysis and purification of RGM, a repulsive guidance molecule. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23 (1), 133.10, p. 325. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1997), New Orleans, LA, USA, October 25, 1997 - October 30, 1997. Society for Neuroscience, Bethesda, MD, USA (1997)
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