Publications of CP Ewers

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Deiss, S.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Bär, K.; Ewers, C.; Coles, M.; Albrecht, R.; Hartmann, M.: Your personalized protein structure: Andrei N. Lupas fused to GCN4 adaptors. Journal of Structural Biology 186 (3), pp. 380 - 385 (2014)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Coles, M.; Ewers, C.; Lupas, A.: One HAMP, two HAMP, three HAMP, more... In 7th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins, p. 13. 7th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins , Alpbach, Austria, September 03, 2017 - September 08, 2017. (2017)
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