Publications of A-L Fuchs

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Fuchs, A.-L.; Wurm, J.; Neu, A.; Sprangers, R.: Molecular basis of the selective processing of short mRNA substrates by the DcpS mRNA decapping enzyme. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (32), pp. 19237 - 19244 (2020)
Journal Article
Fuchs, A.-L.; Neu, A.; Sprangers, R.: A general method for rapid and cost-efficient large-scale production of 5' capped RNA. RNA 22 (9), pp. 1454 - 1466 (2016)
Journal Article
Neu, A.; Neu, U.; Fuchs, A.-L.; Schlager, B.; Sprangers, R.: An excess of catalytically required motions inhibits the scavenger decapping enzyme. Nature Chemical Biology 11 (9), pp. 697 - 704 (2015)

Poster (2)

Fuchs, A.-L.; Neu, A.; Sprangers, R.: A general method for rapid and cost-efficient large-scale production of 5' capped RNA. The Biology of RNA-Protein Complexes, Regensburg, Germany (2017)
Sprangers, R.; Fromm, S.; Meylan, C.; Hoffmann, N.; Fuchs, A.-L.; Truffault, V.: Structural basis for the multiple roles Edc3 plays in mRNA degradation. 8th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society (RNA 2013), Davos, Switzerland (2013)
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