Publications of M Chaubey

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Toledo-Patiño, S.; Chaubey, M.; Coles, M.; Höcker, B.: Reconstructing the Remote Origins of a Fold Singleton from a Flavodoxin-Like Ancestor. Biochemistry 58 (48), pp. 4790 - 4793 (2019)
Journal Article
Leo, J.; Oberhettinger; Chaubey, M.; Schütz, M.; Kühner, D.; Bertsche, U.; Schwarz, H.; Götz, F.; Autenrieth, I.; Coles, M. et al.; Linke, D.: The Intimin periplasmic domain mediates dimerisation and binding to peptidoglycan. Molecular Microbiology 95 (1), pp. 80 - 100 (2015)
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