Publications of N Akduman

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Athanasouli, M.; Akduman, N.; Röseler, W.; Theam, P.; Rödelsperger, C.: Thousands of Pristionchus pacificus orphan genes were integrated into developmental networks that respond to diverse environmental microbiota. PLoS Genetics 19 (7), e1010832 (2023)
Journal Article
Akduman, N.; Lightfoot, J.; Röseler, W.; Witte, H.; Lo, W.-S.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Correction: Bacterial vitamin B 12 production enhances nematode predatory behavior. The ISME Journal 14 (7), p. 1911 (2020)
Journal Article
Akduman, N.; Lightfoot, J.; Röseler, W.; Witte, H.; Lo, W.-S.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Bacterial vitamin B-12 production enhances nematode predatory behavior. The ISME Journal 14 (6), pp. 1494 - 1507 (2020)
Journal Article
Akduman, N.; Lightfoot, J.; Röseler, W.; Witte, H.; Lo, W.-S.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Bacterial vitamin B12 production enhances nematode predatory behavior. The ISME Journal 14 (6), pp. 1494 - 1507 (2020)
Journal Article
Akduman, N.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Culture-based analysis of Pristionchus-associated microbiota from beetles and figs for studying nematode-bacterial interactions. PLoS One 13 (6), e0198018 (2018)

Poster (1)

Sieriebriennikov, B.; Susoy, V.; Roedelsperger, C.; Riebesell, M.; Akduman, N.; Boichenko, I.; Sommer, R.: Beggars can’t be choosers: developmental integration of a horizontally-acquired gene by co-option. 2nd Biennial Meeting of the Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (PASEDB 2017), Calgary, Canada (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Akduman, N.: The influence of bacterial diet on behavior, metabolism and development in Pristionchus pacificus. Dissertation, 100 pp., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2018)