Publications of HA Verasztó

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Verasztó, H.; Logotheti, M.; Albrecht, R.; Leitner, H.; Zhu, H.; Hartmann, M.: Architecture and functional dynamics of the pentafunctional AROM complex. Nature Chemical Biology 16 (9), pp. 973 - 978 (2020)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Lepore, S.; Kryshtafovyc, A.; Alahuthu, M.; Verasztó, H.; Bomble, Y.; Bufton, J.; Bullock, A.; Caba, C.; Cao, H.; Davies, O. et al.; Desfosses, A.; Dunne, M.; Fidelis, K.; Goulding, C.; Gurusaran, M.; Gutsche, I.; Harding, C.; Hartmann, M.; Hayes, C.; Joachimiak, A.; Leiman, P.; Loppnau, P.; Lovering , A.; Lunin, V.; Michalska, K.; Mir-Sanchis, I.; Mitra, A.; Mould, J.; Phillips , G.; Pinkas, D.; Rice, P.; Tong, Y.; Topf, M.; Walton, J.; Schwede, T.: Target highlights in CASP13: Experimental target structures through the eyes of their authors. 13th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13), Riviera Maya, Mexico, December 01, 2018 - December 04, 2018. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics 87 (12), pp. 1037 - 1057 (2019)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Arora, H.: Multifunctional Enzymes in the shikimate pathway. Dissertation, 124 pp., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2018)
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