Publications of C Piselli
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
20 (2), pp. 462 - 479 (2025)
How to isolate channel-forming membrane proteins using the E. coli expression system. Nature Protocols 2.
Journal Article
Epub ahead, e202425157 (2025)
Vesicle-Encapsulated Chemosensing Ensembles Allow Monitoring of Transmembrane Uptake Coupled with Enzymatic Reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 3.
Journal Article
63 (3), pp. 910 - 927 (2023)
Conformational dynamics of loop L3 in OmpF: implications toward antibiotic translocation and voltage gating. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 4.
Journal Article
1865 (2), 184086 (2023)
Importance of the lysine cluster in the translocation of anions through the pyrophosphate specific channel OprO. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Poster (1)
An anti-virulence strategy to treat Salmonella infections: Development of lead compounds targeting the transcriptional regulator HilD. Gemeinsame DGI/DZIF-Tagung 2025, München, Germany (2025)
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Universal protocol for the isolation of channel forming membrane proteins with the recombinant expression system of E. coli. (2023)
Preprint (1)
Discovery of a synthetic small molecule targeting the central regulator of Salmonella pathogenicity. (submitted)