Publications of A Kulkarni

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Kulkarni, A.; Lightfoot, J.; Streit, A.: Germline organization in Strongyloides nematodes reveals alternative differentiation and regulation mechanisms. Chromosoma: Biology of the Nucleus 125 (4), pp. 725 - 745 (2016)
Journal Article
Hunt, V.; Tsai, I.; Coghlan, A.; Reid, A.; Holroyd, N.; Foth, B.; Tracey, A.; Cotton, J.; Stanley, E.; Beasley, H. et al.; Bennett, H.; Brooks, K.; Harsha, B.; Kajitani, R.; Kulkarni, A.; Harbecke, D.; Nagayasu, E.; Nichol, S.; Ogura, Y.; Quail, M.; Randle, N.; Xia, D.; Brattig, N.; Soblik, H.; Ribeiro, D.; Sanchez-Flores, A.; Hayashi, T.; Itoh, T.; Denver, D.; Grant, W.; Stoltzfus, J.; Lok, J.; Murayama, H.; Wastling, J.; Streit, A.; Kikuchi, T.; Viney, M.; Berriman, M.: The genomic basis of parasitism in the Strongyloides clade of nematodes. Nature Genetics 48 (3), pp. 299 - 307 (2016)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, A.; Holz, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Harbecke, D.; Streit, A.: Differential chromatin amplification and chromosome complements in the germline of Strongyloididae (Nematoda). Chromosoma: Biology of the Nucleus 125 (1), pp. 125 - 136 (2016)
Journal Article
Kulkarni, A.; Dyka, A.; Nemetschke, L.; Grant, W.; Streit, A.: Parastrongyloides trichosuri suggests that XX/XO sex determination is ancestral in Strongyloididae (Nematoda). Parasitology 140 (14), pp. 1822 - 1830 (2013)

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Kulkarni, A.; Holz, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Harbecke, D.; Lightfoot, J.; Streit, A.: Making daughters only: the reproductive organ in free Sliving Strongyloides spp. (nematoda). In Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminths X, p. 11. HYDRA 2016: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites X, Hydra, Greece, September 04, 2016 - September 09, 2016. (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Kulkarni, A.; Holz, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Harbecke, D.; Lightfoot, J.; Streit, A.: Making daughters only: the reproductive organ in free-living Strongyloides spp. (nematoda). In 27th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Parasitology, WS12-P1, pp. 80 - 81. 27th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Parasitology, Göttingen, Germany, March 09, 2016 - March 12, 2016. (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Kulkarni, A.: The atypical germline organization in Strongyloides sp. nematodes. In Basel Worm Meeting 2015. Basel Worm Meeting 2015 (BWM), Basel, Switzerland, March 12, 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Kulkarni, A.: Parastrongyloides trichosuri suggests that XX/XO sex determination is ancestral in Strongyloididae. In Basel Worm Meeting 2013. Basel Worm Meeting 2013 (BWM), Basel, Switzerland, March 14, 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Guo, L.; Kulkarni, A.; Zhukova, O.; Harbecke, D.; Dieterich, C.; Streit, A.: Genetic and molecular analysis of life history switches in nematodes of the genus Strongyloides. In Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites VII, p. 17. HYDRA 2012: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites VII, Hydra, Greece, September 02, 2012 - September 07, 2012. (2012)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Kulkarni, A.: The Reproductive Biology of Strongyloides Nematodes: Sex Determination, Chromatin Diminution and Germ-line Organization. Dissertation, 233 pp., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2015)
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