Publications of AG Eberhardt

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Nemetschke, L.; Eberhardt, A.; Hertzberg, H.; Streit, A.: Genetics, chromatin diminution, and sex chromosome evolution in the parasitic nematode genus Strongyloides. Current Biology 20 (19), pp. 1687 - 1696 (2010)
Journal Article
Nemetschke, L.; Eberhardt, A.; Viney, M.; Streit, A.: A genetic map of the animal-parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 169 (2), pp. 124 - 127 (2010)
Journal Article
Eberhardt, A.; Mayer, W.; Bonfoh, B.; Streit, A.: The Strongyloides (Nematoda) of sheep and the predominant Strongyloides of cattle form at least two different, genetically isolated populations. Veterinary Parasitology 157 (1-2), pp. 89 - 99 (2008)
Journal Article
Eberhardt, A.; Mayer, W.; Streit, A.: The free-living generation of the nematode Strongyloides papillosus undergoes sexual reproduction. International Journal for Parasitology 37 (8-9), pp. 989 - 1000 (2007)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Viney, M.; Eberhardt, A.; Nemetschke, L.; Streit, A.: Genetic mapping in Strongyloides ratti. In Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites VI, p. 15. HYDRA 2008: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites VI, Hydra, Greece, September 05, 2010 - September 10, 2010. (2010)
Meeting Abstract
Eberhardt, A.: Establishing the parasitic nematode Strongyloides papillosus, as a system for genetic analysis. In Basel Worm Meeting (BWM 2008). Basel Worm Meeting (BWM 2008), Basel, Switzerland, November 18, 2011. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Eberhardt, A.; Nemetschke, L.; Mayer, W.; Bonfoh, B.; Viney, M.; Streit, A.: Genetics in the parasitic nematode genus Strongyloides. In Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites V, p. 19. HYDRA 2008: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Helminth Parasites V, Hydra, Greece, September 12, 2008 - September 17, 2008. (2008)
Meeting Abstract
Eberhardt, A.; Nemetschke, L.; Mayer, W.; Bonfoh, B.; Viney, M.; Streit, A.: Genetics in the parasitic nematode genus Strongyloides. In European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), T-30, p. 51. European C. Elegans Meeting (EWM 2008), Carmona, Spain, March 29, 2008 - April 02, 2008. (2008)

Poster (1)

Eberhardt, A.; Nemetschke, L.; Mayer, W.; Streit, A.: Sex Chromosomes and Reproduction in the Free-Living Generation of the Parasitic Nematodes Strongyloides Papillosus. 11th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2007), Uppsala, Sweden (2007)
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