Publications of M Logotheti

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Verasztó, H.; Logotheti, M.; Albrecht, R.; Leitner, H.; Zhu, H.; Hartmann, M.: Architecture and functional dynamics of the pentafunctional AROM complex. Nature Chemical Biology 16 (9), pp. 973 - 978 (2020)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Alexander, L.; Durairaj, J.; Kryshtafovych, A.; Abriata, L.; Bayo, Y.; Bhabha, G.; Breyton, C.; Caulton, S.; Chen, J.; Degroux, S. et al.; Ekiert, D.; Erlandsen, B.; Freddolino, P.; Gilzer, D.; Greening, C.; Grimes, J.; Grinter, R.; Gurusaran, M.; Hartmann, M.; Hitchman, C.; Keown, J.; Kropp, A.; Kursula, P.; Lovering, A.; Lemaitre, B.; Lia, A.; Liu, S.; Logotheti, M.; Lu, S.; Markússon, S.; Miller, M.; Minasov, G.; Niemann, H.; Opazo, F.; Phillips jr, G.; Davies, O.; Rommelaere, S.; Rosas-Lemus, M.; Roversi, P.; Satchell, K.; Smith, N.; Wilson, M.; Wu, K.-L.; Xia, X.; Xiao, H.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, Z.; Fidelis, K.; Topf, M.; Moult, J.; Schwede, T.: Protein target highlights in CASP15: Analysis of models by structure providers. 15th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP15), 2022-05 - 2022-08. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 91 (12), pp. 1571 - 1599 (2023)
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