Publications of J de la Cuesta-Zuluaga
All genres
Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
9 (8), e0062724 (2024)
Gut microbiome diversity within Clostridia is negatively associated with human obesity. mSystems 2.
Journal Article
15 (2), 2246634 (2023)
Obesity is the main driver of altered gut microbiome functions in the metabolically unhealthy. Gut Microbes 3.
Journal Article
8 (79), eabq7001 (2023)
Silent recognition of flagellins from human gut commensal bacteria by Toll-like receptor 5. Science Immunology 4.
Journal Article
24 (9), pp. 3966 - 3984 (2022)
Incorporating genome-based phylogeny and functional similarity into diversity assessments helps to resolve a global collection of human gut metagenomes. Environmental Microbiology 5.
Journal Article
71 (4), 004774 (2021)
Reclassification of Catabacter hongkongensis as Christensenella hongkongensis comb. nov. based on whole genome analysis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 6.
Journal Article
6 (1), e00939-20 (2021)
Genomic Insights into Adaptations of Trimethylamine-Utilizing Methanogens to Diverse Habitats, Including the Human Gut. mSystems 7.
Journal Article
5 (6), e01045-20 (2020)
Large-Scale Metagenome Assembly Reveals Novel Animal-Associated Microbial Genomes, Biosynthetic Gene Clusters, and Other Genetic Diversity. mSystems 8.
Journal Article
11 (2), pp. 191 - 204 (2020)
Gut microbiota composition explains more variance in the host cardiometabolic risk than genetic ancestry. Gut Microbes 9.
Journal Article
36 (7), pp. 2314 - 2315 (2020)
Struo: a pipeline for building custom databases for common metagenome profilers. Bioinformatics 10.
Journal Article
11 (1), e03235-19 (2020)
Syntrophy via Interspecies H2 Transfer between Christensenella and Methanobrevibacter Underlies Their Global Cooccurrence in the Human Gut. mBio 11.
Journal Article
4 (4), e00261-19 (2019)
Age- and Sex-Dependent Patterns of Gut Microbial Diversity in Human Adults. mSystems 12.
Journal Article
8, 11356 (2018)
Gut microbiota is associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disease in a population in the midst of Westernization. Scientific Reports 13.
Journal Article
102 (1), pp. 403 - 411 (2018)
Impact of DNA extraction, sample dilution, and reagent contamination on 16S rRNA gene sequencing of human feces. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Silent recognition of flagellins from human gut commensal bacteria by Toll-like receptor 5. In Cell Symposia: Infection Biology in the Age of the Microbiome, ST.01. Cell Symposia: Infection Biology in the Age of the Microbiome, Paris, France, June 07, 2023 - June 09, 2023. (2023)
Poster (2)
Obesity Is the Main Driver of Functional Alterations of the Gut Microbiome in Cardiometabolic Disease. World Microbe Forum 2021 (2021)
Struo: a pipeline for building custom databases for common metagenome profilers. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2019), Heidelberg, Germany (2019)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Insights Into the Human Gut Microbiome and its Link with Obesity and Cardiometabolic Diseases. Dissertation, 166 pp., Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2022)