Publications of B Macek

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Sporbeck, K.; Haas, M.; Pastor-Maldonado, C.; Schüssele, D.; Hunter, C.; Takacs, Z.; Diogo de Oliveira, A.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Charsou, C.; Pfisterer, S. et al.; Gubas, A.; Haller, P.; Knorr, R.; Kaulich, M.; Macek, B.; Eskelinen, E.-L.; Simonsen, A.; Proikas-Cezanne, T.: The ABL-MYC axis controls WIPI1-enhanced autophagy in lifespan extension. Communications Biology 6 (1), 872 (2023)
Journal Article
Werner, M.; Loschko, T.; King, T.; Reich, S.; Theska, T.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Macek, B.; Sommer, R.: Author Correction: Histone 4 lysine 5/12 acetylation enables developmental plasticity of Pristionchus mouth form. Nature Communications 14 (1), 2837 (2023)
Journal Article
Werner, M.; Loschko, T.; King, T.; Reich, S.; Theska, T.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Macek, B.; Sommer, R.: Histone 4 lysine 5/12 acetylation enables developmental plasticity of Pristionchus mouth form. Nature Communications 14 (1), 2095 (2023)
Journal Article
Bansal, P.; Madlung, J.; Schaaf, K.; Macek, B.; Bono, F.: An Interaction Network of RNA-Binding Proteins Involved in Drosophila Oogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 19 (9), pp. 1485 - 1502 (2020)
Journal Article
Slane, D.; Lee, C.; Kolb, M.; Dent, C.; Miao, Y.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Lau, S.; Maček, B.; Balasubramanian, B.; Bayer, M. et al.; Jürgens, G.: The integral spliceosomal component CWC15 is required for development in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 13336 (2020)
Journal Article
Schlöffel, M.; Salzer, A.; Wan, W.-L.; van Wijk, R.; Del Corvo, R.; Šemanjski, M.; Symeonidi, E.; Slaby, P.; Kilian, J.; Maček, B. et al.; Munnik, T.; Gust, A.: The BIR2/BIR3-Associated Phospholipase Dγ1 Negatively Regulates Plant Immunity. Plant Physiology 183 (1), pp. 371 - 384 (2020)
Journal Article
de Francisco Amorim, M.; Willing, E.-M.; Szabo, E.; Francisco-Mangilet, A.; Droste-Borel, I.; Macek, B.; Schneeberger, K.; Laubinger, S.: The U1 snRNP Subunit LUC7 Modulates Plant Development and Stress Responses via Regulation of Alternative Splicing. The Plant Cell 30 (11), pp. 2838 - 2854 (2018)
Journal Article
Speth, C.; Szabo, E.; Martinho, C.; Collani, S.; zur Oven-Krockhaus, S.; Richter , S.; Droste-Borel, I.; Macek, B.; Stierhof, Y.-D.; Schmid, M. et al.; Liu, C.; Laubinger, S.: Arabidopsis RNA processing factor SERRATE regulates the transcription of intronless genes. eLife 7, e37078 (2018)
Journal Article
Cheng, M.; Hoffmann, P.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Sparn, C.; Seng, C.; Maček, B.; Jansen, R.-P.: The RNA-Binding Protein Scp160p Facilitates Aggregation of Many Endogenous Q/N-Rich Proteins. Cell Reports 24 (1), pp. 20 - 26 (2018)
Journal Article
Bakula, D.; Müller, A.; Zuleger, T.; Takacs, Z.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Thost, A.-K.; Brigger, D.; Tschan, M.; Frickey, T.; Robenek, H. et al.; Macek, B.; Proikas-Cezanne, T.: WIPI3 and WIPI4 β-propellers are scaffolds for LKB1-AMPK-TSC signalling circuits in the control of autophagy. Nature Communications 8, 15637 (2017)
Journal Article
Dietsche, T.; Mebrhatu, M.; Brunner, M.; Abrusci, P.; Yan, J.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Schärfe, C.; Zilkenat, S.; Grin, I.; Galán, J. et al.; Kohlbacher, O.; Lea, S.; Macek, B.; Marlovits, T.; Robinson, C.; Wagner, S.: Structural and Functional Characterization of the Bacterial Type III Secretion Export Apparatus. PLoS Pathogens 12 (12), e1006071 (2016)
Journal Article
Grin, I.; Hartmann, M.; Sauer, G.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Schütz, M.; Wagner, S.; Madlung, J.; Macek, B.; Felipe-Lopez, A.; Hensel, M. et al.; Lupas, A.; Linke, D.: A trimeric lipoprotein assists in trimeric autotransporter biogenesis in enterobacteria. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (11), pp. 3788 - 3798 (2014)
Journal Article
Conzelmann, M.; Williams, E.; Krug, K.; Franz-Wachtel, M.; Macek, B.; Jékely, G.: The neuropeptide complement of the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. BMC Genomics 14, 906 (2013)
Journal Article
Borchert, N.; Krug, K.; Gnad, F.; Sinha, A.; Sommer, R.; Macek, B.: Phosphoproteome of Pristionchus pacificus Provides Insights into Architecture of Signaling Networks in Nematode Models. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 11 (12), pp. 1631 - 1639 (2012)
Journal Article
Manavella, P.; Hagmann, J.; Ott, F.; Laubinger, S.; Franz, M.; Macek, B.; Weigel, D.: Fast-forward genetics identifies plant CPL phosphatases as regulators of miRNA processing factor HYL1. Cell 151 (4), pp. 859 - 870 (2012)
Journal Article
Borchert, N.; Dieterich, C.; Krug, K.; Schütz, W.; Jung, S.; Nordheim, A.; Sommer, R.; Macek, B.: Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus reveals distinct proteome structure of nematode models. Genome Research 20 (6), pp. 837 - 846 (2010)

Poster (3)

Sebastian, K.; Köbler, C.; Schmelling, N.; Pawlowski, A.; Spät, P.; Scheurer, N.; Berwanger, L.; Wiegard, A.; Maček, B.; Axmann, I. et al.; Wilde, A.: A chimeric KaiA-like regulator extends the KaiB3-KaiC3 clock system in bacteria. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM 2023), Göttingen, Germany (2023)
Borchert, N.; Dieterich, C.; Krug, K.; Schütz, W.; Jung, S.; Nordheim, A.; Sommer, R.; Macek, B.: Proteogenomics of Pristionchus pacificus Reveals Distinct Proteome Structure of Nematode Models. 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Satl Lake City, UT, USA (2010)
Borchert, N.; Krug, K.; Wahl, S.; Sommer, R.; Macek, B.: Comparative Phosphoproteomics of the Nematode Models P. pacificus and C. elegans. 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Satl Lake City, UT, USA (2010)

Preprint (1)

Gemeinhard, K.; Jeon, B.; Ntihuga, J.; Wang, H.; Schlaiß, C.; Lucas, T.; Bessarab, I.; Nalpas, N.; Zhou, N.; Usack, J. et al.; Huson, D.; Williams, R.; Maček, B.; Aristilde, L.; Angenent, L.: Toward industrial C8 production: Oxygen intrusion drives renewable n caprylate production from ethanol and acetate via intermediate metabolite production. (submitted)
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