Publications of J Walkenhorst

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Knöll, B.; Isenmann, S.; Kilic, E.; Walkenhorst, J.; Engel, S.; Wehinger, J.; Bähr, M.; Drescher, U.: Graded expression patterns of ephrin-As in the superior colliculus after lesion of the adult mouse optic nerve. Mechanisms of Development 106 (1-2), pp. 119 - 127 (2001)
Journal Article
Walkenhorst, J.; Dütting, D.; Handwerker, C.; Huai, J.; Tanaka, H.; Drescher, U.: The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase is necessary for the guidance of nasal retinal ganglion cell axons in vitro. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 16 (4), pp. 365 - 375 (2000)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Walkenhorst, J.; Hornberger, M.; Yamada, T.; Ciossek, T.; Bonhoeffer, F.; Tanaka, H.: EPH-receptor tyrosine kinases in the development of the retinotectal projection. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24 (1), 21.11, p. 32. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1998), Los Angeles, CA, USA, November 07, 1998 - November 12, 1998. (1998)
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