Publications of N Randel

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Verasztó, C.; Gühmann, M.; Jia, H.; Rajan, V.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Piñeiro-Lopez, C.; Randel, N.; Shahidi, R.; Michiels, N.; Yokoyama, S. et al.: Ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor-cell circuits form a spectral depth gauge in marine zooplankton. eLife 7, e36440 (2018)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Jékely, G.: Phototaxis and the origin of visual eyes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 371 (1685), 20150042 (2016)
Journal Article
Gühmann, M.; Jia, H.; Randel, N.; Verasztó, C.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Michiels, N.; Yokoyama, S.; Jékely, G.: Spectral Tuning of Phototaxis by a Go-Opsin in the Rhabdomeric Eyes of Platynereis. Current Biology 25 (17), pp. 2265 - 2271 (2015)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Shahidi, R.; Verasztó, C.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Schmidt, S.; Jékely, G.: Inter-individual stereotypy of the Platynereis larval visual connectome. eLife 4, e08069 (2015)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Asadulina, A.; Bezares-Calderón, L.; Verasztó, C.; Williams, E.; Conzelmann, M.; Shahidi, R.; Jékely, G.: Neuronal connectome of a sensory-motor circuit for visual navigation. eLife 3, e02730 (2014)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Bezares-Calderon, L.; Gühmann, M.; Shahidi, R.: Expression dynamics and protein localization of rhabdomeric opsins in Platynereis larvae. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53 (1), pp. 7 - 16 (2013)
Journal Article
Conzelmann, M.; Williams, E.; Tunaru, S.; Randel, N.; Shahidi, R.; Asadulina, A.; Berger, J.; Offermanns, S.; Jékely, G.: Conserved MIP receptor-ligand pair regulates Platynereis larval settlement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (20), pp. 8224 - 8229 (2013)
Journal Article
Holder, T.; Basquin, C.; Ebert, J.; Randel, N.; Jollivet, D.; Conti, E.; Jékely, G.; Bono, F.: Deep transcriptome-sequencing and proteome analysis of the hydrothermal vent annelid Alvinella pompejana identifies the CvP-bias as a robust measure of eukaryotic thermostability. Biology Direct 8, 2 (2013)
Journal Article
Randel, N.; Bick, A.: Development, morphology and ultrastructure of the branchial crown of Fabricia stellaris (Müller, 1774) (Polychaeta: Sabellida: Fabriciinae). Acta Zoologica 93 (4), pp. 409 - 421 (2012)

Poster (1)

Randel, N.; Jékely, G.: Mechanism of negative phototaxis in Platynereis larvae. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA (2013)