Publications of P Bauknecht

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Quiroga Artigas, G.; Lapébie, P.; Leclère, L.; Bauknecht, P.; Uveira, J.; Chevalier, S.; Jékely, G.; Mamose, T.; Houliston, E.: A G protein-coupled receptor mediates neuropeptide-induced oocyte maturation in the jellyfish Clytia. PLoS Biology 18 (3), e3000614 (2020)
Journal Article
Thiel, D.; Bauknecht, P.; Jékely, G.; Hejnol, A.: A nemertean excitatory peptide/CCHamide regulates ciliary swimming in the larvae of Lineus longissimus. Frontiers in Zoology 16, 28 (2019)
Journal Article
Schmidt, A.; Bauknecht, P.; Williams, E.; Augustinowski, K.; Gründer, S.; Jékely, G.: Dual signaling of Wamide myoinhibitory peptides through a peptide-gated channel and a GPCR in Platynereis. The FASEB Journal 32 (10), pp. 5338 - 5349 (2018)
Journal Article
Williams, E.; Verasztó, C.; Jasek, S.; Conzelmann, M.; Shahidi, R.; Bauknecht, P.; Mirabeau, O.; Jékely, G.: Synaptic and peptidergic connectome of a neurosecretory center in the annelid brain. eLife 6, e26349 (2017)
Journal Article
Thiel, D.; Bauknecht, P.; Jékely, G.; Hejnol, A.: An ancient FMRFamide-related peptide-receptor pair induces defence behaviour in a brachiopod larva. Open Biology 7 (8), 170136 (2017)
Journal Article
Bauknecht, P.; Jékely, G.: Ancient coexistence of norepinephrine, tyramine, and octopamine signaling in bilaterians. BMC Biology 15, 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Bauknecht, P.; Jékely, G.: Large-Scale Combinatorial Deorphanization of Platynereis Neuropeptide GPCRs. Cell Reports 12 (4), pp. 684 - 693 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Jékely, G.; Bauknecht, P.: Large-scale combinatorial deorphanization of GPCRs in the annelid Platynereis. In 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, S17, p. 112. 28th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (CECE 2016), Leuven, Belgium, August 21, 2016 - August 25, 2016. (2016)

Poster (1)

Thiel, D.; Bauknecht, P.; Jékely, G.; Hejnol, A.: Neuropeptides control larval specific behavior in nemerteans and brachiopods. 6th Meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EURO EVO DEVO 2016), Uppsala, Sweden (2016)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Bauknecht, P.: Large-scale deorphanization of G-protein coupled receptors from Platynereis dumerilii. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2017)
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