Publications of Y You

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Lee, J.; Goretti, D.; Neumann, M.; Schmid, M.; You, Y.: A gibberellin methyltransferase modulates the timing of floral transition at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem. Physiologia Plantarum 170 (4), pp. 474 - 487 (2020)
Journal Article
You, Y.; Sawikowska, A.; Lee, J.; Benstein, R.; Neumann, M.; Krajewski, P.; Schmid, M.: Phloem Companion Cell-Specific Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Analyses Identify MRF1, a Regulator of Flowering. Plant Cell 31 (2), pp. 325 - 345 (2019)
Journal Article
You, Y.; Sawikowska, A.; Neumann, M.; Posé, D.; Capovilla, G.; Langenecker, T.; Neher, R.; Krajewski, P.; Schmid, M.: Temporal dynamics of gene expression and histone marks at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem during flowering. Nature Communications 8, 15120 (2017)

Poster (1)

Sawikowska, A.; You, Y.; Neumann, M.; Pose, D.; Capovilla, G.; Langenecker, T.; Neher, R.; Schwab, R.; Schmid, M.; Krajewski, P.: Arabidopsis Shoot Meristem-Specific Analysis of Gene Expression and Histone Modification Patterns and their Temporal Dynamics during Flowering. Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (PAG 2018), san Diego, CA, USA (2018)

Data Publication (3)

Data Publication
Schmidt, M.; Krajewski, P.; You, Y.: Transcriptomes and differential gene expression at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem during flowering. (2022)
Data Publication
Schmidt, M.; Krajewski, P.; You, Y.: Chromatin states in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem. (2022)
Data Publication
You, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Krajewski, P.: Chromatin states in the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem. (2022)
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