Publications of M Herrmann
All genres
Journal Article (41)
Journal Article
16 (11), evae230 (2024)
Genome Assembly of the Nematode Rhabditoides Inermis From a Complex Microbial Community. Genome Biology and Evolution 2.
Journal Article
56 (1), 20240032 (2024)
Description of two new Pristionchus species from South Korea. Journal of Nematology 3.
Journal Article
23 (9), pp. 5102 - 5113 (2021)
Nematode biphasic "boom and bust" dynamics are dependent on host bacterial load while linking dauer and mouth-form polyphenisms. Environmental Microbiology 4.
Journal Article
51, e2019-24 (2019)
Two new Species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) include the Gonochoristic Sister Species of P. fissidentatus. Journal of Nematology 5.
Journal Article
50 (4), pp. 587 - 610 (2018)
Samplings of Millipedes in Japan and Scarab Beetles in Hong Kong result in five new Species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae). Journal of Nematology 6.
Journal Article
28 (19), pp. 3123 - 3127 (2018)
Phylotranscriptomics of Pristionchus Nematodes Reveals Parallel Gene Loss in Six Hermaphroditic Lineages. Current Biology 7.
Journal Article
50 (3), pp. 355 - 368 (2018)
Two New Species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) from Taiwan and the Definition of the pacificus Species-Complex Sensu Stricto. Journal of Nematology 8.
Journal Article
7, pp. 97 - 103 (2017)
Redescription of four species of the genus Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) from the United States of America. Dumerilia 9.
Journal Article
55, e48 (2016)
Two New Pristionchus Species (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) from Taiwan are Part of a Species-cluster Representing the Closest Known Relatives of the Model Organism P. pacificus. Zoological Studies 10.
Journal Article
8 (7), pp. 2093 - 2105 (2016)
Draft Genome of the Scarab Beetle Oryctes borbonicus on La Réunion Island. Genome Biology and Evolution 11.
Journal Article
2, e1501031 (2016)
Large-scale diversification without genetic isolation in nematode symbionts of figs. Science Advances 12.
Journal Article
3949 (4), pp. 597 - 600 (2015)
Pristionchus Scratchpads: an online platform for taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny. Zootaxa 13.
Journal Article
112 (1), pp. 1 - 15 (2014)
Landscape and oceanic barriers shape dispersal and population structure in the island nematode Pristionchus pacificus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 14.
Journal Article
27 (5), pp. 889 - 898 (2014)
Preferential host switching and codivergence shaped radiation of bark beetle symbionts, nematodes of Micoletzkya (Nematoda: Diplogastridae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15.
Journal Article
46 (1), pp. 60 - 74 (2014)
Two new and two recharacterized species from a radiation of pristionchus (nematoda: diplogastridae) in Europe. Journal of Nematology 16.
Journal Article
45 (3), pp. 172 - 194 (2013)
Two androdioecious and one dioecious new species of pristionchus (nematoda: diplogastridae): new reference points for the evolution of reproductive mode. Journal of Nematology 17.
Journal Article
30 (8), pp. 680 - 692 (2013)
Two new species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) support the biogeographic importance of Japan for the evolution of the genus Pristionchus and the model system P. pacificus. Zoological Science 18.
Journal Article
168 (4), pp. 671 - 698 (2013)
Three new species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) show morphological divergence through evolutionary intermediates of a novel feeding-structure polymorphism. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 19.
Journal Article
45 (1), pp. 78 - 86 (2013)
Pristionchus bucculentus n. sp. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) Isolated from a Shining Mushroom Beetle (Coleoptera: Scaphidiidae) in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Nematology 20.
Journal Article
15, pp. 1001 - 1020 (2013)
Sudhausia aristotokia n. gen., n. sp. and S. crassa n. gen., n. sp. (Nematoda: Diplogastridae): viviparous new species with precocious gonad development. Nematology