Publications of F van Bebber

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Rojas-Muñoz, A.; Rajadhyksha, S.; Gilmour, D.; van Bebber, F.; Antos, C.; Rodríguez Esteban, C.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Izpisúa Belmonte, J.: ErbB2 and ErbB3 regulate amputation-induced proliferation and migration during vertebrate regeneration. Developmental Biology 327 (1), pp. 177 - 190 (2009)
Journal Article
Laue, K.; Daujat, S.; Crump Gage, J.; Plaster, N.; Roehl, H.; van Bebber, F.; Busch-Nentwich, E.; Dahm, R.; Frohnhöfer, H.; Geiger, H. et al.: The multidomain protein Brpf1 binds histones and is required for Hox gene expression and segmental identity. Development 135 (11), pp. 1935 - 1946 (2008)
Journal Article
Chen, J.-N.; van Bebber, F.; Goldstein, A.; Serluca, F.; Jackson, D.; Childs, S.; Serbedzija, G.; Warren, K.; Mably, J.; Lindahl, P. et al.: Genetic Steps to Organ Laterality in Zebrafish. Comparative and Functional Genomics 2 (2), pp. 60 - 68 (2001)
Journal Article
Campione, M.; Steinbeisser, H.; Schweickert, A.; Deissler, K.; van Bebber, F.; Lowe, L.; Nowotschin, S.; Viebahn, C.; Haffter, P.; Kuehn, M. et al.: The homeobox gene Pitx2: mediator of asymmetric left-right signaling in vertebrate heart and gut looping. Development 126 (6), pp. 1225 - 1234 (1999)