Publications of P Theam

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Herrmann, M.; Kanzaki, N.; Weiler, C.; Theam, P.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Description of two new Pristionchus species from South Korea. Journal of Nematology 56 (1), 20240032 (2024)
Journal Article
Athanasouli, M.; Akduman, N.; Röseler, W.; Theam, P.; Rödelsperger, C.: Thousands of Pristionchus pacificus orphan genes were integrated into developmental networks that respond to diverse environmental microbiota. PLoS Genetics 19 (7), e1010832 (2023)

Poster (1)

Theam, P.; Witte, H.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: Genetic variation of phenotypic plasticity across temporal scale and its response to diets. 4th International Pristonchus Meeting 2023, Tübingen, Germany (2023)
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