Publications of J Barrera Redondo

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Liesner, D.; Cossard, G.; Zheng, M.; Godfroy, O.; Barrera Redondo, J.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Developmental pathways underlying sexual differentiation in the U/V sex chromosome system of giant kelp. Developmental Cell Epub ahead (2025)
Journal Article
Denoeud, F.; Godfroy, O.; Cruaud, C.; Heesch, S.; Nehr, Z.; Tadrent, N.; Couloux, A.; Brillet-Guéguen, L.; Delage, L.; Mckeown, D. et al.; Motomura, T.; Sussfeld, D.; Fan, X.; Mazéas, L.; Terrapon, N.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Petroll, R.; Reynes, L.; Choi, S.-W.; Jo, J.; Uthanumallian, K.; Bogaert, K.; Duc, C.; Ratchinski, P.; Lipinska, A.; Noel, B.; Murphy, E.; Lohr, M.; Khatei, A.; Hamon-Giraud, P.; Vieira, C.; Avia, K.; Akerfors, S.; Akita, S.; Badis, Y.; Barbeyron, T.; Belcour, A.; Berrabah, W.; Blanquart, S.; Bouguerba-Collin, A.; Bringloe, T.; Cattolico, R.; Cormier, A.; Cruz de Carvalho, H.; Dallet, R.; De Clerck, O.; Debit, A.; Denis, E.; Destombe, C.; Dinatale, E.; Dittami, S.; Drula, E.; Faugeron, S.; Got, J.; Graf, L.; Groisillier, A.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Harms, L.; Hatchett, W.; Henrissat, B.; Hoarau, G.; Jollivet, C.; Jueterbock, A.; Kayal, E.; Knoll, A.; Kogame, K.; Le Bars, A.; Leblanc, C.; Le Gall, L.; Ley, R.; Liu, X.; LoDuca, S.; Lopez, P.; Lopez, P.; Manirakiza, E.; Massau, K.; Mauger, S.; Mest, L.; Michel, G.; Monteiro, C.; Nagasato, C.; Nègre, D.; Pelletier, E.; Phillips, N.; Potin, P.; Rensing, S.; Rousselot, E.; Rousvoal, S.; Schroeder, D.; Scornet, D.; Siegel, A.; Tirichine, L.; Tonon, T.; Valentin, K.; Verbruggen, H.; Weinberger, F.; Wheeler, G.; Kawai, H.; Peters, A.; Yoon, H.; Hervé, C.; Ye, N.; Bapteste, E.; Valero, M.; Markov, G.; Corre, E.; Coelho, S.; Wincker, P.; Aury, J.-M.; Cock, J.: Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems. Cell 187 (24), pp. 6943 - 6965 (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, P.; Vigneau, J.; Craig, R.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Avdievich, E.; Martinho, C.; Borg, M.; Haas, F.; Liu, C.; Coelho, S.: 3D chromatin maps of a brown alga reveal U/V sex chromosome spatial organization. Nature Communications 15 (1), 9590 (2024)
Journal Article
Luthringer, R.; Raphalen, M.; Guerra, C.; Colin, S.; Martinho, C.; Zheng, M.; Hoshino, M.; Badis, Y.; Lipinska, A.; Haas, F. et al.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Alva, V.; Coelho, S.: Repeated co-option of HMG-box genes for sex determination in brown algae and animals. Science 283 (6689), eadk5466 (2024)
Journal Article
Aguirre-Dugua, X.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Gasca-Pineda, J.; Vázquez-Lobo, A.; López-Camacho, A.; Sánchez-de la Vega, G.; Castellanos-Morales, G.; Scheinvar, E.; Aguirre-Planter, E.; Lira-Saade, R. et al.; Eguiarte, L.: Population Genomics of Domesticated Cucurbita ficifolia Reveals a Recent Bottleneck and Low Gene Flow with Wild Relatives. Plants 12 (23), 3989 (2023)
Journal Article
Manley, B.; Lotharukpong, J.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Llewellyn, T.; Yildirir, G.; Sperschneider, J.; Corradi, N.; Paszkowski, U.; Miska, E.; Dallaire, A.: A highly contiguous genome assembly reveals sources of genomic novelty in the symbiotic fungus Rhizophagus irregularis. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 13 (6), jkad077 (2023)
Journal Article
Barrera-Redondo, J.; Lotharukpong, J.; Drost, H.-G.; Coelho, S.: Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra. Genome Biology 24 (1), 54 (2023)
Journal Article
Heesch, S.; Serrano-Serrano, M.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Luthringer, R.; Peters, A.; Destombe, C.; Cock, J.; Valero, M.; Roze, D.; Salamin, N. et al.; Coelho, S.: Evolution of life cycles and reproductive traits: Insights from the brown algae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34 (7), pp. 992 - 1009 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (8)

Meeting Abstract
Liesner, D.; Cossard, G.; Zheng, M.; Godfroy, O.; Barrera Redondo, J.; Haas, F.; Coelho, S.: Developmental pathways underlying sexual differentiation in a U/V sex chromosome system. In Botanik-Tagung 2024, S10 T1, p. 97. International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences: Botanik-Tagung 2024, Halle/Saale, Germany, September 15, 2024 - September 19, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Barrera-Redondo, J.; Leong, J.; Papadopoulos, C.; Igreja, C.; Luthringer, R.; Haas, F.; Albà, M.; Coelho, S.: The UV sex chromosomes of brown algae act as genomic cradles for new genes that evolve de novo. In SMBE 2024, p. 65. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2024 (SMBE 2024), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 07, 2024 - July 11, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Martínez-González, C.; Sánchez-de la Vega, G.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; illafán de la Torre, E.; Hernández, C.; Aguirre-Planter, E.; Lira-Saade, R.; Eguiarte, L.: Traditional crops as reservoirs of genetic diversity: the case of pumpkin Cucurbita pepo ssp. pepo in Mexico. In SMBE 2024, p. 417. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2024 (SMBE 2024), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 07, 2024 - July 11, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Liesner, D.; Haas, F.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Müller, D.; Zheng, M.; Godfroy, O.; Coelho, S.: Unveiling mechanisms of sexual differentiation using feminized males of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. In European Journal of Phycology, 59 (Supplement 1), p. S105. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France, August 20, 2023 - August 26, 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Lipinska, A.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Krueger, S.; Godfroy, O.; Ayres, L.; Mauger, S.; Scornet, D.; Marchi, F.; Lavaut, E. et al.; Destombe, C.; Plestino, E.; Oliveira, M.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Guillemin, M.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In European Journal of Phycology, 59 (Supplement 1), p. S101. 8th European Phycological Congress (EPC 2023): ”Scientific Opportunities for a Global Algal Revolution“, Brest, France, August 20, 2023 - August 26, 2023. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [England] (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Barrera-Redondo, J.; Lotharukpong, J.; Drost, H.-G.; Coelho, S.: Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra. In SMBE 2023, pp. 385 - 386. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2023 (SMBE 2023), Ferrara, Italy, July 23, 2023 - July 27, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Barrera Redondo, J.; Lotharukpong, J.; Drost, H.-G.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Coelho, S.: Uncovering gene-family founder events during major evolutionary transitions in animals, plants and fungi using GenEra. In 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), p. 9. 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), London, UK, January 04, 2023 - January 06, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Lipinska, A.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Godfroy, O.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Oliveira, M. et al.; Ostrock, L.; Plastino, E.; Scornet, D.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. In 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), p. 3. 56th Population Genetics Group Meeting (PopGroup 56), London, UK, January 04, 2023 - January 06, 2023. (2023)

Talk (2)

Barrera Redondo, J.: The evolutionary dynamics of brown algal sex chromosomes and the rise of taxonomically-restricted genes. BioConnect Seminar: Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany (2024)
Barrera-Redondo, J.; Leong, J.; Igreja, C.; Coelho, S.: Tracking down the evolution and functional integration of de novo emerged genes in the brown algae. SMBE Satellite Meeting on De Novo Gene Birth, College Station, TX, USA (2023)

Poster (2)

Barrera Redondo, J.; Lipinska, A.; Liu, P.; Dinatale, E.; Cossard, G.; Bogaert, K.; Hoshino, M.; Avia, K.; Leiria, G.; Haas, F. et al.; Avdievich, E.; Liesner, D.; Luthringer, R.; Godfroy, O.; Heesch, S.; Nehr, Z.; Pearson, G.; Peters, A.; Denoeud, F.; Cock, M.; Coelho, S.: Tracing the Origins and Dynamic Evolution of UV Sex Chromosomes in Brown Algae and Their Intricate Connection to Sexual Dimorphism. Population Genetics Group 57 (PopGroup57), St. Andrews, Scotland (2024)
Lipinska, A.; Barrera-Redondo, J.; Cossard, G.; Epperlein, P.; Godfroy, O.; Guillemin, M.-L.; Krueger-Hadfield, S.; Marchi, F.; Mauger, S.; Oliveira, M. et al.; Ostrock, L.; Plastino, E.; Scornet, D.; Valero, M.; Coelho, S.: Scarlet tide: the first report of sex chromosomes in red algae. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2022), Praha, Czech Republic (2022)
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