Publications of M Dardiry
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
21 (8), e3002270 (2023)
Divergent combinations of cis-regulatory elements control the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. PLoS Biology 2.
Journal Article
7 (1), pp. 48 - 57 (2023)
Experimental and theoretical support for costs of plasticity and phenotype in a nematode cannibalistic trait. Evolution Letters 3.
Journal Article
39 (12), msac252 (2022)
Evolution and Diversity of TGF-β Pathways are Linked with Novel Developmental and Behavioral Traits. Molecular Biology and Evolution 4.
Journal Article
7 (35), eabg8042 (2021)
Sex or cannibalism: Polyphenism and kin recognition control social action strategies in nematodes. Science Advances 5.
Journal Article
10, pp. 123 - 134 (2018)
Adult Influence on Juvenile Phenotypes by Stage-Specific Pheromone Production. iScience 6.
Journal Article
23 (10), e4, pp. 2835 - 2843 (2018)
A Developmental Switch Generating Phenotypic Plasticity Is Part of a Conserved Multi-gene Locus. Cell Reports 7.
Journal Article
7, 7207 (2017)
Environmental influence on Pristionchus pacificus mouth form through different culture methods. Scientific Reports 8.
Journal Article
7 (3), 160332 (2017)
The genetics of phenotypic plasticity in nematode feeding structures. Open Biology Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Dissecting the genetic architecture underlying mouth dimorphism in Pristionchus pacificus identifies cis-regulatory variation in a supergene locus. In 23rd International C. Elegans Conference, 437B, p. 178. 23rd International C. Elegans Conference, June 21, 2021 - June 24, 2021. (2021)
Poster (2)
Dissecting the genetic architecture underlying mouth dimorphism in Pristionchus pacificus identifies cis-regulatory variation in a supergene locus. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting 2022, Denver, CO, USA (2022)
A developmental switch generating phenotypic plasticity is part of a conserved supergene in Pristionchus nematodes. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2018 (SMBE 2018): 50th Anniversary of the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Yokohama, Japan (2018)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Ultimate and Proximate Causes behind Evolutionary Plastic Response in the Nematode Genus Pristionchus (A Natural Isolates’ Perspective). Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany (2023)