Color Pattern Formation

Journal Article (12)

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Dahm, R.: The Zebrafish Exposed: "See-through" mutants may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of embryonic development. American Scientist 94 (5), pp. 446 - 453 (2006)
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Meyer, F.; Aberle, H.: At the next stop sign turn right: the metalloprotease Tolloid-related 1 controls defasciculation of motor axons in Drosophila. Development 133 (20), pp. 4035 - 4044 (2006)
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Vogt, N.; Koch, I.; Schwarz, H.; Schnorrer, F.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: The gammaTuRC components Grip75 and Grip128 have an essential microtubule-anchoring function in the Drosophila germline. Development 133 (20), pp. 3963 - 3972 (2006)
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Moussian, B.; Seifarth, C.; Müller, U.; Berger, J.; Schwarz, H.: Cuticle differentiation during Drosophila embryogenesis. Arthropod Structure & Development 35 (3), pp. 137 - 152 (2006)
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Schorpp, M.; Bialecki, M.; Diekhoff, D.; Walderich, B.; Odenthal, J.; Maischein, H.-M.; Zapata, A.; Boehm, T.: Conserved Functions of Ikaros in Vertebrate Lymphocyte Development: Genetic Evidence for Distinct Larval and Adult Phases of T Cell Development and Two Lineages of B Cells in Zebrafish. Journal of Immunology 177 (4), pp. 2463 - 2476 (2006)
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Dahm, R.; Geisler, R.: Learning from small fry: the zebrafish as a genetic model organism for aquaculture fish species. Marine Biotechnology 8 (4), pp. 329 - 345 (2006)
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Senger, F.; Priat, C.; Hitte, C.; Sarropoulou, E.; Franch, R.; Geisler, R.; Bargelloni, L.; Power, D.; Galibert, F.: The first radiation hybrid map of a perch-like fish: the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L). Genomics 87 (6), pp. 793 - 800 (2006)
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Brandt, A.; Papagiannouli, F.; Wagner, N.; Wilsch-Brauninger, M.; Braun, M.; Furlong, E.; Loserth, S.; Wenzl, C.; Pilot, F.; Vogt, N. et al.; Lecuit, T.; Krohne, G.; Großhans, J.: Developmental control of nuclear size and shape by Kugelkern and Kurzkern. Current Biology 16 (6), pp. 543 - 552 (2006)
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Mahr, A.; Aberle, H.: The expression pattern of the Drosophila vesicular glutamate transporter: a marker protein for motoneurons and glutamatergic centers in the brain. Gene Expression Patterns 6 (3), pp. 299 - 309 (2006)
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Geisler, R.: Investigator profile. An interview with Robert Geisler, Ph.D. Interview by Vicki Glaser. Zebrafish 2 (4), pp. 237 - 241 (2006)
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Moussian, B.; Tång, E.; Tonning, A.; Helms, S.; Schwarz, H.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Uv, A.: Drosophila Knickkopf and Retroactive are needed for epithelial tube growth and cuticle differentiation through their specific requirement for chitin filament organization. Development 133 (1), pp. 163 - 171 (2006)
Journal Article
Tonning, A.; Helms, S.; Schwarz, H.; Uv, A.; Moussian, B.: Hormonal regulation of mummy is needed for apical extracellular matrix formation and epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila. Development 133 (2), pp. 331 - 341 (2006)
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