Publications of K Borgwardt

Conference Paper (18)

Conference Paper
Achlioptas, P.; Schölkopf, B.; Borgwardt, K.: Two-locus association mapping in subquadratic time. In: 17th ACM SIGKKD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2011), pp. 726 - 734 (Eds. Apté, C.; Ghosh, J.; Smyth, P.). 17th ACM SIGKKD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2011), San Diego, CA, USA, August 21, 2011 - August 24, 2011. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2011)
Conference Paper
Kam-Thong, T.; Pütz, B.; Karbalai, N.; Müller−Myhsok, B.; Borgwardt, K.: Epistasis detection on quantitative phenotypes by exhaustive enumeration using GPUs. 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2011), Wien, Austria, July 17, 2011 - July 19, 2011. Bioinformatics 27 (13), pp. i214 - i221 (2011)
Conference Paper
Lei, L.; Rakitsch, B.; Borgwardt, K.: ccSVM: correcting Support Vector Machines for confounding factors in biological data classification. 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2011), Wien, Austria, July 17, 2011 - July 19, 2011. Bioinformatics 27 (13), pp. i342 - i348 (2011)
Conference Paper
Shervashidze, N.; Borgwardt, K.: Fast subtree kernels on graphs. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, pp. 1660 - 1668 (Eds. Bengio, Y.; Schuurmans, D.; Lafferty, J.; Williams, C.; Culotta, A.). 23rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2009), Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 07, 2009 - December 10, 2009. Curran, Red Hook, NY, USA (2010)
Conference Paper
Stegle, O.; Denby, K.; Wild, D.; McHattie, S.; Mead, A.; Ghahramani, Z.; Borgwardt, K.: Discovering Temporal Patterns of Differential Gene Expression in Microarray Time Series. In: German Conference on Bioinformatics: GCB 2009, pp. 133 - 142 (Eds. Grosse, I.; Neumann, S.; Posch, S.; Schreiber, F.; Stadler, P.). German Conference on Bioinformatics 2009 (GCB 2009), Halle, Germany, September 28, 2009 - September 30, 2009. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany (2009)
Conference Paper
Kondor, R.; Shervashidze, N.; Borgwardt, K.: The graphlet spectrum. In: ICML '09: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 529 - 536 (Eds. Danyluk, A.; Bottou, L.; Littman, M.). 26th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2009), Montreal, Canada, June 14, 2009 - June 18, 2009. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2009)
Conference Paper
Stegle, O.; Denby, K.; Wild, D.; Ghahramani, Z.; Borgwardt, K.: A robust Bayesian two-sample test for detecting intervals of differential gene expression in microarray time series. In: Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 13th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2009, Tucson, AZ, USA, May 18-21, 2009, pp. 201 - 216 (Ed. Batzoglou, S.). 13th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2009), Tucson, AZ, USA, May 18, 2009 - May 21, 2009. Springer, Berlin, Germany (2009)
Conference Paper
Thoma, M.; Cheng, H.; Gretton, A.; Han, J.; Kriegel, H.-P.; Smola, A.; Song, L.; Yu, P.; Yan, X.; Borgwardt, K.: Near-optimal supervised feature selection among frequent subgraphs. In: 9th SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2009), pp. 1076 - 1087 (Eds. Park, H.; Parthasarathy, S.; Liu, H.). 9th SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2009), Sparks, NV, USA, April 30, 2009 - May 02, 2009. Philadelphia, PA, USA, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2009)
Conference Paper
Lippert, C.; Stegle, O.; Ghahramani, Z.; Borgwardt, K.: A kernel method for unsupervised structured network inference. In: Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AIStats 2009), pp. 368 - 375 (Eds. Van Dyk, D.; Welling, M.). Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AIStats 2009), Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, April 16, 2009 - April 18, 2009. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2009)
Conference Paper
Shervashidze, N.; Vishwanathan, S.; Petri, T.; Mehlhorn, K.; Borgwardt, K.: Efficient Graphlet Kernels for Large Graph Comparison. In: Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AIStats 2009), pp. 488 - 495 (Eds. Van Dyk, D.; Welling, M.). Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AIStats 2009), Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, April 16, 2009 - April 18, 2009. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (2009)

Meeting Abstract (7)

Meeting Abstract
Rödelsperger, C.; McGaughran, A.; Moreno, E.; Morgan, K.; Meyer, J.; Grimm, D.; Borgwardt, K.; Leaver, M.; Sommer, R.: Genome-wide patterns of selection in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus. In 15th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2015), 52647, p. 237. 15th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB 2015), Lausanne, Switzerland, August 10, 2015 - August 14, 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Grimm, D.; Bodenham, D.; Gieraths, U.; Sugiyama, M.; Rowan, B.; Borgwardt, K.: Genome-wide detection of intervals of genetic heterogeneity associated with complex traits. In 23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 14th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB ECCB 2015), TP021. 23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 14th European Conference on Computational Biology (ISMB ECCB 2015), Dublin, Ireland, July 10, 2015 - July 15, 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Llinares-López, F.; Grimm, D.; Bodenham, D.; Gieraths, U.; Sugiyama, M.; Rowan, B.; Borgwardt, K.: Genome-wide detection of intervals of genetic heterogeneity associated with complex traits. In 14th Annual International Conference On Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA), pp. 57 - 58. 14th Annual International Conference On Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA 2015) at ISMB, Dublin, Ireland, July 10, 2015 - July 11, 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Azencott, C.; Grimm, D.; Smoller, J.; Duncan, L.; Borgwardt, K.: Beware of circularity: A critical assessment of the state of the art in deleteriousness prediction of missense variants. In 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2014), 167, p. 56. 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG 2014), San Diego, CA, USA, October 18, 2014 - October 24, 2014. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Azencott, C.-A.; Grimm, D.; Sugiyama, M.; Kawahara, Y.; Borgwardt, K.: Efficient network-guided multi-locus association mapping with graph cuts. In MLSB13: Seventh Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology, p. 31. Seventh Workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology (MLSB 2013) at the 21st Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB), Berlin, Germany, July 19, 2013 - July 20, 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Priebe, L.; Wolf, C.; Alexander, M.; Karbalai, N.; Fröhlich, H.; Stegle, O.; Kriegel, A.; Sander, T.; Czamara, D.; Mattheisen, M. et al.; Pütz, B.; Hillmer, A.; Altmann, A.; Kluck, N.; Schölkopf, B.; Borgwardt, K.; Schramm, J.; Hoffmann, P.; Becker, A.; Nöthen, M.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Cichon, S.: Mapping genetic and epigenetic factors influencing human hippocampal gene expression. In European journal of human genetics, 20 (Supplement 1), C08-5, p. 27. European Human Genetics Conference (ESHG 2012), Nürnberg, Germany, June 23, 2012 - June 26, 2012. Nature Publishing Group (2012)
Meeting Abstract
Klotzbücher, K.; Kobayashi, Y.; Shervashidze, N.; Stegle, O.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Weigel, D.; Borgwardt, K.: Efficient branch-and-bound techniques for two-locus association mapping. In BMC Bioinformatics, 12 (Supplement 11), A3. Seventh International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council Symposium 2011, Wien, Austria, July 15, 2011. BioMed Central (2011)

Talk (5)

Azencott, C.-A.; Borgwardt, K.: Data Mining in Bioinformatics: Graph Mining in Chemoinformatics. Data Mining in Bioinformatics (2013/14), Tübingen, Germany (2014)
Azencott, C.-A.; Borgwardt, K.: Data Mining in Bioinformatics: Clustering in Bioinformatics Clustering Gene Expression Data. Data Mining in Bioinformatics (2013/14), Tübingen, Germany (2014)
Borgwardt, K.: Data Mining in the Life Sciences: The Path to Personalized Medicine. Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine ITN Summer School, Tübingen, Germany (2013)
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