Publications of RJ Sommer

Journal Article (258)

Journal Article
Iatsenko, I.; Corton, C.; Pickard, D.; Dougan, G.; Sommer, R.: Draft Genome Sequence of Highly Nematicidal Bacillus thuringiensis DB27. Microbiology Resource Announcement 2 (1), e00101-14 (2014)
Journal Article
Iatsenko, I.; Corton, C.; Pickard, D.; Dougan, G.; Sommer, R.: Draft genome sequence of highly nematicidal Bacilllus thuringiensis DB27. Genome Announcements 2 (1), e00101-14 (2014)
Journal Article
McGaughran, A.; Morgan, K.; Sommer, R.: Environmental variables explain genetic structure in a beetle-associated nematode. PLoS One 9 (1), e87317 (2014)
Journal Article
McGaughran, A.; Morgan, K.; Sommer, R.: Natural variation in chemosensation: lessons from an island nematode. Ecology and Evolution 3 (16), pp. 5209 - 5224 (2013)
Journal Article
Ragsdale, E.; Müller, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: A developmental switch coupled to the evolution of plasticity acts through a sulfatase. Cell 155 (4), pp. 922 - 933 (2013)
Journal Article
Iatsenko, I.; Sinha, A.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: New Role for DCR-1/Dicer in Caenorhabditis elegans Innate Immunity against the Highly Virulent Bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis DB27. Infection and Immunity 81 (10), pp. 3942 - 3957 (2013)
Journal Article
Kanzaki, N.; Ragsdale, E.; Herrmann, M.; Susoy, V.; Sommer, R.: Two androdioecious and one dioecious new species of pristionchus (nematoda: diplogastridae): new reference points for the evolution of reproductive mode. Journal of Nematology 45 (3), pp. 172 - 194 (2013)
Journal Article
Kanzaki, N.; Ragsdale, E.; Herrmann, M.; Röseler, W.; Sommer, R.: Two new species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) support the biogeographic importance of Japan for the evolution of the genus Pristionchus and the model system P. pacificus. Zoological Science 30 (8), pp. 680 - 692 (2013)
Journal Article
Ragsdale, E.; Kanzaki, N.; Röseler, W.; Herrmann, M.; Sommer, R.: Three new species of Pristionchus (Nematoda: Diplogastridae) show morphological divergence through evolutionary intermediates of a novel feeding-structure polymorphism. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (4), pp. 671 - 698 (2013)
Journal Article
Serobyan, V.; Ragsdale, E.; Müller, M.; Sommer, R.: Feeding plasticity in the nematode Pristionchus pacificus is influenced by sex and social context and is linked to developmental speed. Evolution and Development 15 (3), pp. 161 - 170 (2013)
Journal Article
Sommer, R.; McGaughran, A.: The nematode Pristionchus pacificus as a model system for integrative studies in evolutionary biology. Molecular Ecology 22 (9), pp. 2380 - 2393 (2013)
Journal Article
Kienle, S.; Sommer, R.: Cryptic variability in vulva development by cis-regulatory evolution of a HAIRY binding site. Nature Communications 4, 1714 (2013)
Journal Article
Kienle, S.; Sommer, R.: Cryptic variation in vulva development by cis-regulatory evolution of a HAIRY-binding site. Nature Communications 4, 1714 (2013)
Journal Article
Kanzaki, N.; Ragsdale, E.; Herrmann, M.; Röseler, W.; Sommer, R.: Pristionchus bucculentus n. sp. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) Isolated from a Shining Mushroom Beetle (Coleoptera: Scaphidiidae) in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Nematology 45 (1), pp. 78 - 86 (2013)
Journal Article
McGaughran, A.; Morgan, K.; Sommer, R.: Unraveling the evolutionary history of the nematode Pristionchus pacificus: from lineage diversification to island colonization. Ecology and Evolution 3 (3), pp. 667 - 675 (2013)
Journal Article
Bumbarger, D.; Riebesell, M.; Rödelsperger, C.; Sommer, R.: System-wide rewiring underlies behavioral differences in predatory and bacterial-feeding nematodes. Cell 152 (1-2), pp. 109 - 119 (2013)
Journal Article
Herrmann, M.; Ragsdale, E.; Kanzaki, N.; Sommer, R.: Sudhausia aristotokia n. gen., n. sp. and S. crassa n. gen., n. sp. (Nematoda: Diplogastridae): viviparous new species with precocious gonad development. Nematology 15, pp. 1001 - 1020 (2013)
Journal Article
Borchert, N.; Krug, K.; Gnad, F.; Sinha, A.; Sommer, R.; Macek, B.: Phosphoproteome of Pristionchus pacificus Provides Insights into Architecture of Signaling Networks in Nematode Models. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 11 (12), pp. 1631 - 1639 (2012)
Journal Article
Bose, N.; Ogawa, A.; von Reuss, S.; Yim, J.; Ragsdale, E.; Sommer, R.; Schroeder, F.: Complex small-molecule architectures regulate phenotypic plasticity in a nematode. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 51 (50), pp. 12438 - 12443 (2012)
Journal Article
Hui, F.; Scheib, U.; Hu, Y.; Sommer, R.; Aroian, R.; Ghosh, P.: Structure and glycolipid binding properties of the nematicidal protein Cry5B. Biochemistry 51 (49), pp. 9911 - 9921 (2012)
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