Publications of RJ Sommer

Book Chapter (25)

Book Chapter
Sommer, R.; Lightfoot, J.: The Genus Pristionchus: a Model for Phenotypic Plasticity, Predatory Behavior, Self-Recognition, and Other Complex Traits. In: Nematodes as model organisms, 1, pp. 1 - 23 (Eds. Glazer, I.; Shapiro-Ilan, P.; Sterberg, D.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK (2022)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Integrative evolutionary biology and mechanistic approaches in comparative biology. In: Pristionchus pacificus: a nematode model for comparative and evolutionary biology, 2, pp. 19 - 41 (Ed. Sommer, R.). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands (2015)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Nematoda. In: Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates; 3: Ecdysozoa I: Non-Tetraconata, pp. 15 - 34 (Ed. Wanninger, A.). Springer, Wien, Austria (2015)
Book Chapter
Schierenberg, E.; Sommer, R.: Reproduction and development in Nematodes. In: Nematoda, 2, pp. 61 - 108 (Ed. Schmidt-Rhaesa, A.). De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany (2014)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Evolution: der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der biologischen Vielfalt und Komplexität. In: Evolution: Sammelband der Vorträge der Studium Generale der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, pp. 11 - 29 (Ed. Sonntag, K.). Winter, Heidelberg, Germany (2014)
Book Chapter
Rödelsperger, C.; Streit, A.; Sommer, R.: Structure, Function and Evolution of The Nematode Genome. In: eLS: Encyclopedia of life sciences. Wiley, Hoboken, NL, USA (2013)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Die Rolle der Entwicklungsbiologie für die Evolution. In: Charles Darwin: Die Entstehung der Arten, 19, pp. 445 - 454 (Eds. Wrede, P.; Wrede, S.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2013)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.; Ogawa, A.: The Genome of Pristionchus pacificus and the Evolution of Parasitism. In: Parasitic Nematodes: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Immunology, pp. 1 - 14 (Eds. Kennedy, M.; Harnett, W.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK (2013)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Evolution of regulatory networks: nematode vulva induction as an example of developmental systems drift. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 751. Plenum Press, New York (2012)
Book Chapter
Herrmann, M.; Sommer, R.: The genome of Pristionchus pacificus and implications for survival attributes. In: Molecular and physiological basis of nematode survival, 4, pp. 86 - 98 (Eds. Perry, R.; Wharton, D.). CABI, Wallingford, UK (2011)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Zur wissenschaftlichen Vielfalt der modernen Evolutionsbiologie. In: Charles Darwin und seine Bedeutung für die Wissenschaften, pp. 77 - 88 (Eds. Engels, E.-M.; Betz, O.; Köhler, H.-R.; Potthast, T.). Attempto-Verlag, Tübingen, Germany (2011)
Book Chapter
Rae, R.; Schlager, B.; Sommer, R.: Pristionchus pacificus, a genetic model system for evolutionary developmental biology and the evolution of complex life-history traits. In: Emerging model organisms: a laboratory manual, Vol. 1, 11, pp. 275 - 290 (Ed. Patel, N.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA (2009)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.; Riebesell, M.: Die Entstehung der biologischen Formenvielfalt und das Verhältnis zwischen Entwicklungsbiologie und Evolutionsforschung. In: Charles Darwin und seine Wirkung, pp. 276 - 302 (Ed. Engels, E.-M.). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2009)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.; Riebesell, M.: Die Entstehung der biologischen Formenvielfalt: Zur Bedeutung der Entwicklungsbiologie für die Evolutionsforschung. In: Die Evolution des Lebendigen, pp. 58 - 79 (Eds. Betz, O.; Köhler, H.-R.). Attempto-Verlag, Tübingen, Germany (2008)
Book Chapter
Zauner, H.; Sommer, R.: Evolution and development: Towards a synthesis of macro- and micro-evolution with ecology. In: Evolving pathways: Key themes in evolutionary developmental biology, pp. 160 - 174 (Eds. Minelli, A.; Fusco, G.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Pristionchus pacificus. In: WormBook: The Online Review of C. elegans Biology. Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (2006)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Evolution of development in nematodes related to C. elegans. In: WormBook: The Online Review of C. elegans Biology. Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (2005)
Book Chapter
Srinivasan, J.; Sommer, R.: C. elegans Genome, Comparative Sequencing. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Medicine, pp. 183 - 185 (Eds. Ganten, D.; Ruckpaul, K.; Birchmeier, W.; Epplen, J.; Genser, K. et al.). Springer, Berlin, Germany (2005)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Evolution of nematode development: how cells and genes change their function. In: Modularity in development and evolution, pp. 414 - 428 (Eds. Schlosser, G.; wagner, G.). Chicago University Press, Chicago, IL, USA (2004)
Book Chapter
Sommer, R.: Cells and genes as networks in nematode development and evolution. In: Handbook of Graphs and Networks: From the Genome to the Internet, 6, pp. 131 - 144 (Eds. Bornholdt, S.; Schuster, H.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2003)
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