Publications of FG Rathjen
All genres
Journal Article (25)
Journal Article
168 (3), pp. 551 - 561 (1987)
Biochemical characterization of polypeptide components involved in neurite fasciculation and elongation. European Journal of Biochemistry 22.
Journal Article
104 (2), pp. 355 - 362 (1987)
Extension of neurites on axons is impaired by antibodies against specific neural cell surface glycoproteins. Journal of Cell Biology 23.
Journal Article
104 (2), pp. 343 - 353 (1987)
Membrane glycoproteins involved in neurite fasciculation. The Journal of Cell Biology 24.
Journal Article
227 (4), pp. 539 - 549 (1981)
Cholera-toxin binding to cells of developing chick retina analyzed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Brain Research 25.
Journal Article
4 (3-4), pp. 191 - 207 (1981)
Separation of cell subpopulations from embryonic chick neural retina with fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods Conference Paper (2)
Conference Paper
38, pp. 59 - 63 (1990)
Membrane glycoproteins involved in neurite-neurite interactions. XXX. Symposion der Gesellschaft für Histochemie: Cytochemical Markers of Neural and Endocrine Cells
, Gargellen, Austria, September 21, 1988 - September 24, 1988. Acta Histochemica Supplement 27.
Conference Paper
38, pp. 59 - 63 (1990)
Cholinesterases reveal early patterns of neurogenesis in the chick. XXX. Symposion der Gesellschaft für Histochemie: Cytochemical Markers of Neural and Endocrine Cells
, Gargellen, Austria, September 21, 1988 - September 24, 1988. Acta Histochemica Supplement Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
14 (1), 300.2, p. 747. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 1988), Toronto, Canada, November 13, 1988 - November 18, 1988. (1988)
Monoclonal antibodies to G4, a neural cell surface glycoprotein interfere with neurite extension on an axonal substrate and on a G4 substrate. In Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,