Publications of TL Karasov

Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Leventhal, L.; Symeonidi, E.; Shirsekar, G.; Hawks, A.; Monroe, G.; Pathodopsis Team; Exposito-Alonso, M.; Borgelsen, J. et al.; Weigel, D.; Schwab, R.: Continental-scale associations of Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere members with host genotype and drought. Nature Microbiology 9 (10), pp. 2748 - 2758 (2024)
Journal Article
Backman, T.; Latorre, S.; Symeonidi, E.; Muszyński, A.; Bleak , E.; Eads, L.; Martinez-Koury, P.; Som, S.; Hawks, A.; Gloss, A. et al.; Belnap, D.; Manuel, A.; Deutschbauer, A.; Bergelson, J.; Azadi, P.; Burbano, H.; Karasov, T.: A phage tail-like bacteriocin suppresses competitors in metapopulations of pathogenic bacteria. Science 384 (6701), eado0713 (2024)
Journal Article
Duque-Jaramillo, A.; Ulmer, N.; Alseekh, S.; Bezrukov, I.; Fernie, A.; Skirycz, A.; Karasov, T.; Weigel, D.: The genetic and physiological basis of Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to Pseudomonas viridiflava. New Phytologist 240 (5), pp. 1961 - 1975 (2023)
Journal Article
Lundberg, D.; de Pedro Jové, R.; Ayutthaya, P.; Karasov, T.; Shalev, O.; Poersch, K.; Ding, W.; Bollmann-Giolai, A.; Bezrukov, I.; Weigel, D.: Contrasting patterns of microbial dominance in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (52), e2211881119 (2022)
Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Lundberg, D.: The changing influence of host genetics on the leaf fungal microbiome throughout plant development. PLOS Biology 20 (8), e3001748 (2022)
Journal Article
Shalev, O.; Karasov, T.; Lundberg, D.; Ashkenazy, H.; Ayutthaya, P.; Weigel, D.: Commensal Pseudomonas strains facilitate protective response against pathogens in the host plant. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (4), pp. 383 - 396 (2022)
Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Shirsekar, G.; Schwab, R.; Weigel, D.: What natural variation can teach us about resistance durability. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 56, pp. 89 - 98 (2020)
Journal Article
Regalado, J.; Lundberg, D.; Deusch, O.; Kersten, S.; Karasov, T.; Poersch, K.; Shirsekar, G.; Weigel, D.: Combining whole-genome shotgun sequencing and rRNA gene amplicon analyses to improve detection of microbe-microbe interaction networks in plant leaves. The ISME Journal 14 (8), pp. 2116 - 2130 (2020)
Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Almario, J.; Friedemann, C.; Ding, W.; Giolai, M.; Heavens, D.; Kersten, S.; Lundberg, D.; Neumann, M.; Regalado, J. et al.; Neher, R.; Kemen, E.; Weigel, D.: Arabidopsis thaliana and Pseudomonas Pathogens Exhibit Stable Associations over Evolutionary Timescales. Cell Host & Microbe 24 (1), pp. 168 - 179 (2018)
Journal Article
Karasov, T.; Chae, E.; Herman, J.; Bergelson, J.: Mechanisms to Mitigate the Trade-Off between Growth and Defense. Plant Cell 29 (4), pp. 666 - 680 (2017)

Meeting Abstract (9)

Meeting Abstract
Ashkenazy, H.; Shalev, O.; Karasov, T.; Lundberg, D.; Neumann, M.; Weigel, D.: The evolution of Arabidopsis thaliana-associated Pseudomonas and Sphingomonas. In SMBE 2024, p. 141. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2024 (SMBE 2024), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, July 07, 2024 - July 11, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Ashkenazy, H.; Shalev, O.; Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Weigel, D.: The evolution of Arabidopsis thaliana-associated Pseudomonas. In The Local Pangenome, 33, p. 81. The Local Pangenome, Alicante, Spain, October 25, 2023 - October 28, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Shirsekar, G.; Monroe, G.; Schwab, R.; Weigel, D.: Host and Environmental Drivers of Phyllosphere Composition across Europe. In Harnessing the Plant Microbiome: Virtual Conference, p. 36. Harnessing the Plant Microbiome: Virtual Conference (HPM21), October 22, 2021 - October 24, 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Duque, A.; Ulmer, N.; Karasov, T.; Weigel, D.: How does Arabidopsis thaliana fight off its ever-present opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas viridiflava? In Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (10 Supplement), p. 7. IS-MPMI Congress eSymposia Series: Molecular Mechanism & Structure: Zooming in on Plant Immunity, July 12, 2021 - July 13, 2021. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, USA (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Karasov, T.; Almario, J.; Neumann, M.; Duque-Jaramillo, A.; Weigel, D.: Adaptation of Pseudomonas to colonize genetically diverse hosts. In 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2021), pp. 16 - 17. 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2021), June 21, 2021 - June 25, 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Karasov, T.; Neumann, M.; Duque, A.; Ashkenazy, H.; Weigel, D.: From the Microbiome to the Gene: Mapping the genes in a leaf microbiome responsible for strain-specific pathogenicity. In Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (10 Supplement), p. 238. XVIII Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI 2019), Glasgow, UK, July 14, 2019 - July 18, 2019. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, USA (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Lundberg, D.; de Pedro Jové, R.; Na Ayutthaya, P.; Karasov, T.; Shalev Skriptchak, O.; Poersch, K.; Weigel, D.: Contrasting colonization and host range of Sphingomonas and Pseudomonas in wild Arabidopsis thaliana and neighboring plants. In Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (10 Supplement), p. 234. XVIII Congress of the International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (IS-MPMI 2019), Glasgow, UK, July 14, 2019 - July 18, 2019. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, USA (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Karasov, T.: How Microbial Biogeography Affects Microbiome Composition and Assembly II. In American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2019. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Microbe 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 20, 2019 - June 24, 2019. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Karasov, T.: Long-term maintenance and expansions of dozens of pathogenic Pseudomonas strains within A. thaliana populations. In Pathobiome 2018. Pathobiome 2018, Ajaccio, France, March 18, 2018 - March 20, 2018. (2018)

Talk (2)

Karasov, T.: Mechanisms of microbial interactions with Arabidopsis thaliana. Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Potsdam, Germany (2019)
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