Publications of LT Angenent

Preprint (7)

Rohbohm, N.; Lang, M.; Erben, J.; Gemeinhardt, K.; Patel, N.; Ilic, I.; Hafenbradl, D.; Quejigo, J.; Angenent, L.: Performance effects from different shutdown methods of three electrode materials for the power-to-gas application with electromethanogenesis. (submitted)
Spirito, C.; Lucas, T.; Patz, S.; Jeon, B.; Werner, J.; Trondsen, L.; Guzman, J.; Huson, D.; Angenent, L.: The gases H2 and O2 in open-culture reactors influence the performance and microbiota of chain elongation into n-caproate and n-caprylate. (submitted)
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