Publications of FJM van Eeden

Journal Article (31)

Journal Article
Odenthal, J.; van Eeden, F.; Haffter, P.; Ingham, P.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Two distinct cell populations in the floor plate of the zebrafish are induced by different pathways. Developmental Biology 219 (2), pp. 350 - 363 (2000)
Journal Article
Chandrasekhar, A.; Warren Jr, J.; Takahashi, K.; Schauerte, H.; van Eeden, F.; Haffter, P.; Kuwada, J.: Role of sonic hedgehog in branchiomotor neuron induction in zebrafish. Mechanisms of Development 76 (1-2), pp. 101 - 115 (1998)
Journal Article
Schauerte, H.; van Eeden, F.; Fricke, C.; Odenthal, J.; Strähle, U.; Haffter, P.: Sonic hedgehog is not required for the induction of medial floor plate cells in the zebrafish. Development 125 (15), pp. 2983 - 2993 (1998)
Journal Article
Lauderdale, J.; Pasquali, S.; Fazel, R.; van Eeden, F.; Schauerte, H.; Haffter, P.; Kuwada, J.: Regulation of netrin-1a expression by hedgehog proteins. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 11 (4), pp. 194 - 205 (1998)
Journal Article
van Eeden, F.; Holley, S.; Haffter, P.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: Zebrafish segmentation and pair-rule patterning. Developmental Genetics 23 (1), pp. 65 - 76 (1998)
Journal Article
Chen, J.; van Eeden, F.; Warren, K.; Chin, A.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Haffter, P.; Fishman, M.: Left-right pattern of cardiac BMP4 may drive asymmetry of the heart in zebrafish. Development 124 (21), pp. 4373 - 4382 (1997)
Journal Article
Brand, M.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Beuchle, D.; Lun, K.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Granato, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Kane, D. et al.: Mutations in zebrafish genes affecting the formation of the boundary between midbrain and hindbrain. Development 123 (1), pp. 179 - 190 (1996)
Journal Article
Brand, M.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Warga, R.; Pelegri, F.; Karlstrom, R.; Beuchle, D.; Picker, A.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; van Eeden, F. et al.: Mutations affecting development of the midline and general body shape during zebrafish embryogenesis. Development 123, pp. 129 - 142 (1996)
Journal Article
Chen, J.-N.; Haffter, P.; Odenthal, J.; Vogelsang, E.; Brand, M.; van Eeden, F.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Granato, M.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Heisenberg, C. et al.: Mutations affecting the cardiovascular system and other internal organs in zebrafish. Development 123, pp. 293 - 302 (1996)
Journal Article
Furutani-Seiki, M.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Brand, M.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Houart, C.; Beuchle, D.; van Eeden, F.; Granato, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M. et al.: Neural degeneration mutants in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), pp. 229 - 239 (1996)
Journal Article
Granato, M.; van Eeden, F.; Schach, U.; Trowe, T.; Brand, M.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Jiang, Y.-J. et al.: Genes controlling and mediating locomotion behavior of the zebrafish embryo and larva. Development 123 (1), pp. 399 - 413 (1996)
Journal Article
Haffter, P.; Granato, M.; Brand, M.; Mullins, M.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Kane, D.; Odenthal, J.; van Eeden, F.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Heisenberg, C.-P. et al.: The identification of genes with unique and essential functions in the development of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), pp. 1 - 36 (1996)
Journal Article
Hammerschmidt, M.; Pelegri, F.; Mullins, M.; Kane, D.; Brand, M.; van Eeden, F.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Granato, M.; Haffter, P.; Heisenberg, C.-P. et al.: Mutations affecting morphogenesis during gastrulation and tail formation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123, pp. 143 - 151 (1996)
Journal Article
Hammerschmidt, M.; Pelegri, F.; Mullins, M.; Kane, D.; van Eeden, F.; Granato, M.; Brand, M.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M. et al.: dino and mercedes, two genes regulating dorsal development in the zebrafish embryo. Development 123 (1), pp. 95 - 102 (1996)
Journal Article
Heisenberg, C.-P.; Brand, M.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Warga, R.; Beuchle, D.; van Eeden, F.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Granato, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M. et al.: Genes involved in forebrain development in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), pp. 191 - 203 (1996)
Journal Article
Jiang, Y.-J.; Brand, M.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Beuchle, D.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Kelsh, R.; Warga, R.; Granato, M.; Haffter, P.; Hammerschmidt, M. et al.: Mutations affecting neurogenesis and brain morphology in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), pp. 205 - 216 (1996)
Journal Article
Karlstrom, R.; Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Brand, M.; Crawford, A.; Grunewald, B.; Haffter, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Meyer, S. et al.: Zebrafish mutations affecting retinotectal axon pathfinding. Development 123 (1), pp. 427 - 438 (1996)
Journal Article
Kelsh, R.; Brand, M.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Heisenberg, C.-P.; Lin, S.; Haffter, P.; Odenthal, J.; Mullins, M.; van Eeden, F.; Furutani-Seiki, M. et al.: Zebrafish pigmentation mutations and the processes of neural crest development. Development 123 (1), pp. 369 - 389 (1996)