Publications of C Lanz

Journal Article (51)

Journal Article
Wang, C.; Liu, C.; Roquiero, D.; Grimm, D.; Schwab, R.; Becker, C.; Lanz, C.; Weigel, D.: Genome-wide analysis of local chromatin packing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genome Research 25 (2), pp. 246 - 256 (2015)
Journal Article
Chae, E.; Bomblies, K.; Kim, S.-T.; Karelina, D.; Zaidem, M.; Ossowski, S.; Martín-Pizarro, C.; Laitinen, R.; Rowan, B.; Tenenboim, H. et al.; Lechner, S.; Demar, M.; Habring-Müller, A.; Lanz, C.; Rätsch, G.; Weigel, D.: Species-wide Genetic Incompatibility Analysis Identifies Immune Genes as Hot Spots of Deleterious Epistasis. Cell 159 (6), pp. 1341 - 1351 (2014)
Journal Article
Paschold, A.; Larson, N.; Marcon, C.; Schnable, J.; Yeh, C.-T.; Lanz, C.; Nettleton, D.; Piepho, H.-P.; Hochholdinger, F.: Nonsyntenic genes drive highly dynamic complementation of gene expression in maize hybrids. Plant Cell 26 (10), pp. 3939 - 3948 (2014)
Journal Article
Bolger, A.; Scossa, F.; Bolger, M.; Lanz, C.; Maumus, F.; Tohge, T.; Quesneville, H.; Alseekh, S.; Sorensen, I.; Lichtenstein, G. et al.; Fich, E.; Conte, M.; Keller, H.; Schneeberger, K.; Schwacke, R.; Ofner, I.; Vrebalov, J.; Xu, Y.; Osorio, S.; Aflitos, S.; Schijlen, E.; Jimenez-Gomez, J.; Ryngajllo, M.; Kimura, S.; Kumar, R.; Koenig, D.; Headland, L.; Maloof, J.; Sinha, N.; van Ham, R.; Lankhorst, R.; Mao, L.; Vogel, A.; Arsova, B.; Panstruga, R.; Fei, Z.; Rose, J.; Zamir, D.; Carrari, F.; Giovannoni, J.; Weigel, D.; Usadel, B.; Fernie, A.: The genome of the stress-tolerant wild tomato species Solanum pennellii. Nature Genetics 46 (9), pp. 1034 - 1038 (2014)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y.; Paschold, A.; Marcon, C.; Liu, C.; Tai, H.; Nestler, J.; Yeh, C.-T.; Opitz, N.; Lanz, C.; Schnable, P. et al.; Hochholdinger, F.: The Aux/IAA gene rum1 involved in seminal and lateral root formation controls vascular patterning in maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots. Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (17), pp. 4919 - 4930 (2014)
Journal Article
Dettmer, J.; Ursache, R.; Campilho, A.; Miyashima, S.; Belevich, I.; O'Regan, S.; Mullendore, D.; Yadav, S.; Lanz, C.; Beverina, L. et al.; Papagni, A.; Schneeberger, K.; Weigel, D.; Stierhof, Y.-D.; Moritz, T.; Knoblauch, M.; Jokitalo, E.; Helariutta, Y.: CHOLINE TRANSPORTER-LIKE1 is required for sieve plate development to mediate long-distance cell-to-cell communication. Nature Communications 5, 4276 (2014)
Journal Article
Koenig, D.; Jimenez-Gomez, J.; Kimura, S.; Fulop, D.; Chitwood, D.; Headland, L.; Kumar, R.; Covington, M.; Devisetty, U.; Tat, A. et al.; Tohge, T.; Bolger, A.; Schneeberger, K.; Ossowski, S.; Lanz, C.; Xiong, G.; Taylor-Teeples, M.; Brady, S.; Pauly, M.; Weigel, D.; Usadel, B.; Fernie, A.; Peng, J.; Sinha, N.; Maloof, J.: Comparative transcriptomics reveals patterns of selection in domesticated and wild tomato. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (28), pp. E2655 - E2662 (2013)
Journal Article
Yoshida, K.; Schuenemann, V.; Cano, L.; Pais, M.; Mishra, B.; Sharma, R.; Lanz, C.; Martin, F.; Kamoun, S.; Krause, J. et al.; Thines, M.; Weigel, D.; Burbano, H.: The rise and fall of the Phytophthora infestans lineage that triggered the Irish potato famine. eLife 2, e00731 (2013)
Journal Article
Brandt, R.; Salla-Martret, M.; Bou-Torrent, J.; Musielak, T.; Stahl, M.; Lanz, C.; Ott, F.; Schmid, M.; Greb, T.; Schwarz, M. et al.; Choi, S.-B.; Barton, M.; Reinhart, B.; Liu, T.; Quint, M.; Palauqui, J.-C.; Martínez-García, J.; Wenkel, S.: Genome-wide binding-site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf patterning and light-mediated growth responses. The Plant Journal 72 (1), pp. 31 - 42 (2012)
Journal Article
Galvão, V.; Nordström, K.; Lanz, C.; Sulz, P.; Mathieu, J.; Posé, D.; Schmid, M.; Weigel, D.; Schneeberger, K.: Synteny-based mapping-by-sequencing enabled by targeted enrichment. The Plant Journal 71 (3), pp. 517 - 526 (2012)
Journal Article
Kulemzina, I.; Schumacher, M.; Verma, V.; Reiter, J.; Metzler, J.; Failla, A.; Lanz, C.; Sreedharan, V.; Rätsch, G.; Ivanov, D.: Cohesin rings devoid of Scc3 and Pds5 maintain their stable association with the DNA. PLoS Genetics 8 (8), e1002856 (2012)
Journal Article
Smith, L.; Hartmann, L.; Drewe, P.; Bohnert, R.; Kahles, A.; Lanz, C.; Rätsch, G.: Multiple insert size paired-end sequencing for deconvolution of complex transcriptomes. RNA Biology 9 (5), pp. 596 - 609 (2012)
Journal Article
Cao, J.; Schneeberger, K.; Ossowski, S.; Günther, T.; Bender, S.; Fitz, J.; König, D.; Lanz, C.; Stegle, O.; Lippert, C. et al.; Wang, X.; Ott, F.; Müller, J.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Borgwardt, K.; Schmid, K.; Weigel, D.: Whole-genome sequencing of multiple Arabidopsis thaliana populations. Nature Genetics 43 (10), pp. 956 - 963 (2011)
Journal Article
Guo, Y.-L.; Zhao, X.; Lanz, C.; Weigel, D.: Evolution of the S-locus region in Arabidopsis relatives. Plant Physiology 157 (2), pp. 937 - 946 (2011)
Journal Article
Siebers, B.; Zaparty, M.; Raddatz, G.; Tjaden, B.; Albers, S.; Bell, S.; Blombach, F.; Kletzin, A.; Kyrpides, N.; Lanz, C. et al.; Plagens, A.; Rampp, M.; Rosinus, A.; von Jan, M.; Makarova, K.; Klenk, H.; Schuster, S.; Hensel, R.: The Complete Genome Sequence of Thermoproteus tenax: A Physiologically Versatile Member of the Crenarchaeota. PLoS One 6 (10), e24222 (2011)
Journal Article
Schneeberger, K.; Ossowski, S.; Ott, F.; Klein, J.; Wang, X.; Lanz, C.; Smith, L.; Cao, J.; Fitz, J.; Warthmann, N. et al.; Henz, S.; Huson, D.; Weigel, D.: Reference-guided assembly of four diverse Arabidopsis thaliana genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (25), pp. 10249 - 10254 (2011)
Journal Article
Yant, L.; Mathieu, J.; Dinh, T.; Ott, F.; Lanz, C.; Wollmann, H.; Chen, X.; Schmid, M.: Orchestration of the floral transition and floral development in Arabidopsis by the bifunctional transcription factor APETALA2. Plant Cell 22 (7), pp. 2156 - 2170 (2010)
Journal Article
Todesco, M.; Balasubramanian, S.; Hu, T.; Traw, M.; Horton, M.; Epple, P.; Kuhns, C.; Balasubramanian, S.; Schwartz, C.; Lanz, C. et al.; Laitinen, R.; Huang, Y.; Chory, J.; Lipka, V.; Borevitz, J.; Dangl, J.; Bergelson, J.; Nordborg, M.; Weigel, D.: Natural allelic variation underlying a major fitness trade-off in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 465 (7298), pp. 632 - 636 (2010)
Journal Article
Schneeberger, K.; Ossowski, S.; Lanz, C.; Juul, T.; Petersen, A.; Nielsen, K.; Jørgensen, J.-E.; Weigel, D.; Andersen, S.: SHOREmap: simultaneous mapping and mutation identification by deep sequencing. Nature Methods 6 (8), pp. 550 - 551 (2009)
Journal Article
Tripathi, N.; Hoffmann, M.; Willing, E.-M.; Lanz, C.; Weigel, D.; Dreyer, C.: Genetic linkage map of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and quantitative trait loci analysis of male size and colour variation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1665), pp. 2195 - 2208 (2009)
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