Publications of J Martin

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Hulko, M.; Lupas, A.; Martin, J.: Inherent chaperone-like activity of aspartic proteases reveals a distant evolutionary relation to double-psi barrel domains of AAA-ATPases. Protein Science 16 (4), pp. 644 - 653 (2007)
Journal Article
Coles, M.; Hulko, M.; Djuranovic, S.; Truffault, V.; Koretke, K.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: Common Evolutionary Origin of Swapped-Hairpin and Double-Psi β Barrels. Structure 14 (10), pp. 1489 - 1498 (2006)
Journal Article
Djuranovic, S.; Rockel, B.; Lupas, A.; Martin, J.: Characterization of AMA, a new AAA protein from Archaeoglobus and methanogenic archaea. Journal of Structural Biology 156 (1), pp. 130 - 138 (2006)
Journal Article
Hulko, M.; Berndt, F.; Gruber, M.; Linder, J.; Truffault, V.; Schultz, A.; Martin, J.; Schultz, J.; Lupas, A.; Coles, M.: The HAMP domain structure implies helix rotation in transmembrane signaling. Cell 126 (5), pp. 929 - 940 (2006)
Journal Article
Coles, M.; Djuranovic, S.; Söding, J.; Frickey, T.; Koretke, K.; Truffault, V.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: AbrB-like transcription factors assume a swapped hairpin fold that is evolutionarily related to double-psi beta barrels. Structure 13 (6), pp. 919 - 928 (2005)
Journal Article
Riess, T.; Andersson, S.; Lupas, A.; Schaller, M.; Schäfer, A.; Kyme, P.; Martin, J.; Wälzlein, J.-H.; Ehehalt, U.; Lindroos, H. et al.; Schirle, M.; Nordheim, A.; Autenrieth, I.; Kempf, V.: Bartonella adhesin a mediates a proangiogenic host cell response. Journal of Experimental Medicine 200 (10), pp. 1267 - 1278 (2004)
Journal Article
Martin, J.: Chaperonin function: effects of crowding and confinement. Journal of Molecular Recognition 17 (5), pp. 465 - 472 (2004)
Journal Article
Martin, J.; Gruber, M.; Lupas, A.: Coiled coils meet the chaperone world. Trends in biochemical sciences 29 (9), pp. 455 - 458 (2004)
Journal Article
Kusmierczyk, A.; Martin, J.: Nested cooperativity and salt dependence of the ATPase activity of the archaeal chaperonin Mm-cpn. FEBS Letters 547 (1-3), pp. 201 - 204 (2003)
Journal Article
Kusmierczyk, A.; Martin, J.: Nucleotide-dependent protein folding in the type II chaperonin from the mesophilic archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis. Biochemical Journal 371 (3), pp. 669 - 673 (2003)
Journal Article
Lupas, A.; Martin, J.: AAA proteins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 12 (6), pp. 746 - 753 (2002)
Journal Article
Martin, J.: Requirement for GroEL/GroES-dependent protein folding under nonpermissive conditions of macromolecular crowding. Biochemistry 41 (15), pp. 5050 - 5055 (2002)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Martin, J.: AAA ATPases. In: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 1, 3. ed. Ed., pp. 513 - 523 (Ed. Jez, J.). Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA (2021)

Meeting Abstract (9)

Meeting Abstract
Schramm, A.; Springer, F.; Oberist, C.; Wilhelm, J.; Martin, J.; Hartmann, M.; Lupas, A.: Cryptic coiled-coil forming potential of ribosomal protein fragments. In 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins, p. 57. 8th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins , Alpbach, Austria, September 04, 2022 - September 09, 2022. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Lupas, A.; Ferris, H.; Bassler, J.; Martin, J.; Schultz, J.; Dunin-Horkawicz, S.; Hartmann, M.; Coles, M.: Axial helix rotation in transmembrane signal transduction. In Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 50 (6), p. 507. International Conference BIOMEMBRANES 2018 , Dolgoprudny, Russia, October 01, 2018 - October 05, 2018. Plenum Press., New York (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Pereira, J.; Rau, A.; Coles, M.; ElGamacy, M.; Fujishima, K.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: The KH type III domain: From an ancestral peptide to three different protein folds. In Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional Estrutural (EJIBCE 2018), K4, pp. 7 - 8. Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional Estrutural (EJIBCE 2018), Porto, Portugal, December 21, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Alva, V.; Zhu, H.; Hartmann, M.; Pereira, J.; Springer, F.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: Ribosomal proteins as documents of the transition from unstructured polypeptides to folded proteins. In CAS Conference 2018: Molecular Origins of LIFE, p. 19. CAS Conference 2018: Molecular Origins of LIFE, München, Germany, October 11, 2018 - October 12, 2018. (2018)
Meeting Abstract
Bassler, J.; Hernandez Alvarez, B.; Hartmann, M.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: Coiled coils: between structure and unstructure. In 7th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins, p. 40. 7th Alpbach Workshop: Coiled Coil, Fibrous and Repeat Proteins , Alpbach, Austria, September 03, 2017 - September 08, 2017. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Zhu, H.; Sepulveda, E.; Hartmann, M.; Kogenaru, M.; Ursinus, A.; Albrecht, R.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.: Origin of a folded repeat protein from an intrinsically disordered ancestor. In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2017: Biological Physics Division, BP 49.9, p. 63. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2017: Biological Physics Division, Dresden, Germany, March 19, 2017 - March 24, 2017. (2017)
Meeting Abstract
Nostadt, R.; Hilbert, M.; Kleyer, H.; Martin, J.; Lupas, A.; Zuccaro, A.: The secreted Piriformospora indica effector Dld1 is involved in penetration of plant cell wall appositions. In XI International Fungal Biology Conference, p. 42. XI International Fungal Biology Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 29, 2013 - October 03, 2013. (2013)
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