Publications of S Wiesner
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
431 (24), pp. 4834 - 4847 (2019)
The WW1 Domain Enhances Autoinhibition in Smurf Ubiquitin Ligases. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 2.
Journal Article
: Author Correction: The structure of the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 reveals an alternative targeting mechanism for proteasomal degradation. Nature Communications 9, 4646 (2018)
Journal Article
430 (18 Part B), pp. 3218 - 3233 (2018)
β-Sheet Augmentation Is a Conserved Mechanism of Priming HECT E3 Ligases for Ubiquitin Ligation. Journal of Molecular Biology (London) 4.
Journal Article
: The structure of the ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 reveals an alternative targeting mechanism for proteasomal degradation. Nature Communications 9, 3321 (2018)
Journal Article
: The adherens junction-associated LIM domain protein Smallish regulates epithelial morphogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology 217 (3), pp. 1079 - 1095 (2018)
Journal Article
11 (517), eaam9899 (2018)
Structural basis for the interaction between the cell polarity proteins Par3 and Par6. Science Signaling 7.
Journal Article
35, pp. 60 - 67 (2015)
Methyl groups as NMR probes for biomolecular interactions. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 8.
Journal Article
22 (11), pp. 1639 - 1649 (2014)
Structural and functional framework for the autoinhibition of Nedd4-family ubiquitin ligases. Structure 9.
Journal Article
20 (4), pp. 573 - 581 (2012)
Methionine scanning as an NMR tool for detecting and analyzing biomolecular interaction surfaces. Structure 10.
Journal Article
106 (44), pp. 18491 - 18496 (2009)
Computational design of ligand binding is not a solved problem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
Methionine scanning as a new tool for methyl NMR studies. In 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, T52, p. 90. 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, September 09, 2013 - September 14, 2013. (2013)
Poster (5)
Structural investigation of HECT-type Ub ligase intermediates by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. 40th FEBS Congress: The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Three to stick with: Interactions of the Bazooka PDZ domains with cell-cell junction molecules. 40th FEBS Congress: The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Regulation of E3 ligases: Conservation of the auto-inhibitory mechanism inside the Nedd4-family. 40th FEBS Congress: The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Ubiquitin chain elongation by HECT-type ligases. 40th FEBS Congress: The Biochemical Basis of Life, Berlin, Germany (2015)
Structural studies of ubiquitylation intermediates. 35th FGMR Discussion Meeting & Joint Conference of the German, Italian and Slovenian Magnetic Resonance Societies, Frauenchiemsee, Germany (2013)