Publications of EC Swart

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Singh, A.; Häußermann, L.; Emmerich, C.; Nischwitz, E.; Seah, B.; Butter, F.; Nowacki, M.; Swart, E.: ISWI1 complex proteins facilitate developmental genome editing in Paramecium. Genome Research Epub ahead (2024)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Singh, A.; Vetter, D.; Emmerich, C.; Peters, M.; Soltys, V.; Huettel, B.; Swart, E.: Nuclear dualism without extensive DNA elimination in the ciliate Loxodes magnus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (39), e2400503121 (2024)
Journal Article
Häußermann, L.; Singh, A.; Swart, E.: Two paralogous PHD finger proteins participate in natural genome editing in Paramecium tetraurelia. Journal of Cell Science 137 (16), jcs.261979 (2024)
Journal Article
Swart, E.; Emmerich, C.; Seah, B.; Singh, M.; Shulgina, Y.; Singh, A.: How did UGA codon translation as tryptophan evolve in certain ciliates? A critique of Kachale et al. 2023 Nature. eLife Epub ahead (2024)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Swart, E.: When cleaning facilitates cluttering: genome editing in ciliates. Trends in Genetics 39 (5), pp. 344 - 346 (2023)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Singh, M.; Emmerich, C.; Singh, A.; Woehle, C.; Huettel, B.; Byerly, A.; Stover, N.; Sugiura, M.; Harumoto, T. et al.; Swart, E.: MITE infestation accommodated by genome editing in the germline genome of the ciliate Blepharisma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (4), e2213985120 (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, M.; Seah, B.; Emmerich, C.; Singh, A.; Woehle, C.; Huettel, B.; Byerly, A.; Stover, N.; Sugiura, M.; Harumoto, T. et al.; Swart, E.: Origins of genome-editing excisases as illuminated by the somatic genome of the ciliate Blepharisma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (4), e2213887120 (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, A.; Maurer-Alcalá, X.; Solberg, T.; Haeussermann, L.; Gisler, S.; Ignarski , M.; Swart, E.; Nowacki, M.: Chromatin remodeling is required for sRNA-guided DNA elimination in Paramecium. EMBO Journal 41 (22), e111839 (2022)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Emmerich, C.; Singh, A.; Swart, E.: Improved methods for bulk cultivation and fixation of Loxodes ciliates for fluorescence microscopy. Protist 173 (5), 125905 (2022)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Singh, A.; Swart, E.: Karyorelict ciliates use an ambiguous genetic code with context-dependent stop/sense codons. Peer Community Journal 2, e42 (2022)
Journal Article
Rzeszutek, I.; Swart, E.; Pabian-Jewuła, S.; Russo, A.; Nowacki, M.: Early developmental, meiosis-specific proteins - Spo11, Msh4-1, and Msh5 - Affect subsequent genome reorganization in Paramecium tetraurelia. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Molecular Cell Research 1869 (6), 119239 (2022)
Journal Article
Seah, B.; Swart, E.: BleTIES: Annotation of natural genome editing in ciliates using long read sequencing. Bioinformatics 37 (21), btab613, pp. 3929 - 3931 (2021)
Journal Article
Mozzicafreddo, M.; Pucciarelli, S.; Swart, E.; Piersanti, A.; Emmerich, C.; Migliorelli, G.; Ballarini, P.; Miceli, C.: The macronuclear genome of the Antarctic psychrophilic marine ciliate Euplotes focardii reveals new insights on molecular cold adaptation. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18782 (2021)
Journal Article
Faktorová, D.; Nisbet, R.; Fernández Robledo , J.; Casacuberta, E.; Sudek, L.; Allen, A.; Ares, M.; Balestreri, C.; Barbrook, A.; Beardslee, P. et al.; Bender, S.; Booth, D.; Bouget, Y.-F.; Bowler, C.; Breglia, S.; Brownlee, C.; Burger, G.; Cerutti, H.; Cesaroni, R.; Chiurillo, M.; Clemente, T.; Coles, D.; Collier, J.; Cooney, E.; Coyne, K.; Docampo, R.; Dupont, C.; Edgcomb, V.; Einarsson, E.; Elustondo, P.; Federici, F.; Freire-Beneitez, V.; Freyria, N.; Fukuda, K.; García, P.; Girguis, P.; Gomaa, R.; Gornik, S.; Guo, J.; Hampl, V.; Hanawa, Y.; Haro-Contreras, E.; Hehenberger, E.; Highfield, A.; Hirakawa, Y.; Hopes, A.; Howe, C.; Hu, I.; Ibañez, J.; Irwin, N.; Ishii, Y.; Janowicz, N.; Jones, A.; Kachele, A.; Fujimura-Kamada, K.; Kaur, B.; Kaye, J.; Kazana, A.; Keeling, P.; King, N.; Klobutcher, L.; Lander, N.; Lassadi, I.; Li, Z.; Lin, S.; Lozano, J.-C.; Luan, F.; Maruyama, S.; Matute, T.; Miceli, C.; Minagawa, J.; Moosburner, M.; Najle, S.; Nanjappa, D.; Nimmo, I.; Noble, L.; Novák Vanclová, A.; Nowacki, M.; Nuñez, I.; Pain, A.; Piersanti, A.; Pucciarelli, S.; Pyrih, J.; Rest, J.; Rius, M.; Robertson, D.; Ruaud, A.; Ruiz-Trillo, I.; Sigg, M.; Silver, P.; Slamovits, C.; Smith, G.; Sprecher, B.; Stern, R.; Swart, E.; Tsaousis, A.; Tsypin, L.; Turkewitz, A.; Turnšek, J.; Valach, M.; Vergé, V.; von Dassow, P.; von der Haar, T.; Waller, R.; Wang, L.; Wen, X.; Wheeler, G.; Woods, A.; Zhang, H.; Mock, T.; Worden, A.; Lukeš, J.: Publisher Correction: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods 17 (5), 551 (2020)
Journal Article
Faktorová, D.; Nisbet, R.; Fernández Robledo , J.; Casacuberta, E.; Sudek, L.; Allen, A.; Ares, M.; Balestreri, C.; Barbrook, A.; Beardslee, P. et al.; Bender, S.; Booth, D.; Bouget, Y.-F.; Bowler, C.; Breglia, S.; Brownlee, C.; Burger, G.; Cerutti, H.; Cesaroni, R.; Chiurillo, M.; Clemente, T.; Coles, D.; Collier, J.; Cooney, E.; Coyne, K.; Docampo, R.; Dupont, C.; Edgcomb, V.; Einarsson, E.; Elustondo, P.; Federici, F.; Freire-Beneitez, V.; Freyria, N.; Fukuda, K.; García, P.; Girguis, P.; Gomaa, R.; Gornik, S.; Guo, J.; Hampl, V.; Hanawa, Y.; Haro-Contreras, E.; Hehenberger, E.; Highfield, A.; Hirakawa, Y.; Hopes, A.; Howe, C.; Hu, I.; Ibañez, J.; Irwin, N.; Ishii, Y.; Janowicz, N.; Jones, A.; Kachele, A.; Fujimura-Kamada, K.; Kaur, B.; Kaye, J.; Kazana, A.; Keeling, P.; King, N.; Klobutcher, L.; Lander, N.; Lassadi, I.; Li, Z.; Lin, S.; Lozano, J.-C.; Luan, F.; Maruyama, S.; Matute, T.; Miceli, C.; Minagawa, J.; Moosburner, M.; Najle, S.; Nanjappa, D.; Nimmo, I.; Noble, L.; Novák Vanclová, A.; Nowacki, M.; Nuñez, I.; Pain, A.; Piersanti, A.; Pucciarelli, S.; Pyrih, J.; Rest, J.; Rius, M.; Robertson, D.; Ruaud, A.; Ruiz-Trillo, I.; Sigg, M.; Silver, P.; Slamovits, C.; Smith, G.; Sprecher, B.; Stern, R.; Swart, E.; Tsaousis, A.; Tsypin, L.; Turkewitz, A.; Turnšek, J.; Valach, M.; Vergé, V.; von Dassow, P.; von der Haar, T.; Waller, R.; Wang, L.; Wen, X.; Wheeler, G.; Woods, A.; Zhang, H.; Mock, T.; Worden, A.; Lukeš, J.: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods 17 (5), pp. 481 - 494 (2020)
Journal Article
Swart, E.; Wilkes, C.; Sandoval, P.; Hoehener, C.; Singh, A.; Furrer, D.; Arambasic, M.; Ignarski, M.; Nowacki, M.: Identification and analysis of functional associations among natural eukaryotic genome editing components. F1000Research 2017 (6), 1374 (2017)

Meeting Abstract (6)

Meeting Abstract
Swart, E.: An endosymbiosis that got stuck? Observations of genome evolution in the mixotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. In UZI SIP 2024: Congress Congiunto, p. 132. UZI SIP 2024: Congress Congiunto: 83. Congresso Unione Zoologica Italiana, 34. Congresso Società Italiana di Protistologia, Pisa, Italy, September 11, 2024 - September 14, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Shaikhutdinov, N.; Seah, B.; Emmerich, C.; Moeller, H.; Paight, C.; Johnson, M.; Swart, E.: Absence of spliceosomal introns in the mixotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum: how did they disappear? In 2024 PSA-ISOP-ISEP Joint Meeting, pp. 227 - 228. 2024 PSA-ISOP-ISEP Joint Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, July 29, 2024 - August 01, 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Shaikhutdinov, N.; Seah, B.; Emmerich, C.; Moeller, H.; Paight, C.; Johnson, M.; Swart, E.: Absence of spliceosomal introns in the mixotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum: how did they disappear? In SMBE 2023, p. 443. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2023 (SMBE 2023), Ferrara, Italy, July 23, 2023 - July 27, 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Seah, B.; Singh, A.; Vetter, D.; Emmerich, C.; Peters, M.; Soltys, V.; Huettel, B.; Swart, E.: Evidence for ciliates without extensive DNA elimination: the karyorelict Loxodes magnus. In The 41st Annual Meeting of the DGP, p. 25. The 41st Annual Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology (DGP 2022), Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, July 12, 2022 - July 15, 2022. (2022)
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