Publications of M Schmid

Journal Article (57)

Journal Article
Lutz, U.; Posé, D.; Pfeifer, M.; Gundlach, H.; Hagmann, J.; Wang, C.; Weigel, D.; Mayer, K.; Schmid, M.; Schwechheimer, C.: Modulation of Ambient Temperature-Dependent Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana by Natural Variation of FLOWERING LOCUS M. PLoS Genetics 11 (10), e1005588 (2015)
Journal Article
Slane, D.; Kong, J.; Schmid, M.; Jürgens, G.; Bayer, M.: Profiling of embryonic nuclear vs. cellular RNA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genomics Data 4, pp. 96 - 98 (2015)
Journal Article
Valentim, F.; van Mourik, S.; Posé, D.; Kim, M.; Schmid, M.; van Ham, R.; Busscher, M.; Sanchez-Perez, G.; Molenaar, J.; Angenent, G. et al.; Immink, R.; van Dijk, A.: A quantitative and dynamic model of the Arabidopsis flowering time gene regulatory network. PLoS One 10 (2), e0116973 (2015)
Journal Article
Capovilla, G.; Schmid, M.; Posé, D.: Control of flowering by ambient temperature. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (1), pp. 59 - 69 (2015)
Journal Article
Slane, D.; Kong, J.; Berendzen, K.; Kilian, J.; Henschen, A.; Kolb, M.; Schmid, M.; Harter, K.; Mayer, U.; De Smet, I. et al.; Bayer, M.; Jürgens, G.: Cell type-specific transcriptome analysis in the early Arabidopsis thaliana embryo. Development 141 (24), pp. 4831 - 4840 (2014)
Journal Article
Costa Galvão, C.; Schmid, M.: Regulation of Flowering by Endogenous Signals. Advances in Botanical Research 72, pp. 63 - 102 (2014)
Journal Article
Zhurov, V.; Navarro, M.; Bruinsma, K.; Bruinsma, V.; Arbona, V.; Santamaria, M.; Cazaux, M.; Wybouw, N.; Osborne, E.; Ens, C. et al.; Rioja, C.; Vermeirssen, V.; Rubio-Somoza, I.; Krishna, P.; Diaz, I.; Schmid, M.; Gómez-Cadenas, A.; Van de Peer, Y.; Grbic, M.; Clark, R.; Van Leeuwen, T.; Grbic, V.: Reciprocal responses in the interaction between Arabidopsis and the cell-content-feeding chelicerate herbivore spider mite. Plant Physiology 164 (1), pp. 384 - 399 (2014)
Journal Article
Lee, J.; Ryu, H.-S.; Chung, K.; Posé, D.; Kim, S.; Schmid, M.; Ahn, J.: Regulation of temperature-responsive flowering by MADS-box transcription factor repressors. Science 342 (6158), pp. 628 - 632 (2013)
Journal Article
Posé, D.; Verhage, L.; Ott, F.; Yant, L.; Mathieu, J.; Angenent, G.; Imminck, R.; Schmid, M.: Temperature-dependent regulation of flowering by antagonistic FLM variants. Nature 503 (7476), pp. 414 - 417 (2013)
Journal Article
Wahl, V.; Ponnu, J.; Schlereth, A.; Arrivault, S.; Langenecker, T.; Franke, A.; Feil, R.; Lunn, J.; Stitt, M.; Schmid, M.: Regulation of Flowering by Trehalose-6-Phosphate Signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science 339 (6120), pp. 704 - 707 (2013)
Journal Article
Galvão, V.; Horrer, D.; Küttner, F.; Schmid, M.: Spatial control of flowering by DELLA proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 139 (21), pp. 4072 - 4082 (2012)
Journal Article
Brandt, R.; Salla-Martret, M.; Bou-Torrent, J.; Musielak, T.; Stahl, M.; Lanz, C.; Ott, F.; Schmid, M.; Greb, T.; Schwarz, M. et al.; Choi, S.-B.; Barton, M.; Reinhart, B.; Liu, T.; Quint, M.; Palauqui, J.-C.; Martínez-García, J.; Wenkel, S.: Genome-wide binding-site analysis of REVOLUTA reveals a link between leaf patterning and light-mediated growth responses. The Plant Journal 72 (1), pp. 31 - 42 (2012)
Journal Article
Immink, R.; Posé, D.; Ferrari, S.; Ott, F.; Kaufmann, K.; Valentim, F.; de Folter, S.; van der Wal, F.; van Dijk, A.; Schmid, M. et al.; Angenent, G.: Characterization of SOC1's central role in flowering by the identification of its upstream and downstream regulators. Plant Physiology 160 (1), pp. 433 - 449 (2012)
Journal Article
Galvão, V.; Nordström, K.; Lanz, C.; Sulz, P.; Mathieu, J.; Posé, D.; Schmid, M.; Weigel, D.; Schneeberger, K.: Synteny-based mapping-by-sequencing enabled by targeted enrichment. The Plant Journal 71 (3), pp. 517 - 526 (2012)
Journal Article
Yu, S.; Galvão, V.; Zhang, Y.-C.; Horrer, D.; Zhang, T.-Q.; Hao, Y.-H.; Feng, Y.-Q.; Wang, S.; Schmid, M.; Wang, J.-W.: Gibberellin regulates the Arabidopsis floral transition through miR156-targeted SQUAMOSA promoter binding-like transcription factors. Plant Cell 24 (8), pp. 3320 - 3332 (2012)
Journal Article
Dinh, T.; Girke, T.; Liu, X.; Yant, L.; Schmid, M.; Chen, X.: The floral homeotic protein APETALA2 recognizes and acts through an AT-rich sequence element. Development 139 (11), pp. 1978 - 1986 (2012)
Journal Article
Posé, D.; Yant, L.; Schmid, M.: The end of innocence: flowering networks explode in complexity. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 15 (1), pp. 45 - 50 (2012)
Journal Article
Ponnu, J.; Wahl, V.; Schmid, M.: Trehalose-6-phosphate: connecting plant metabolism and development. Frontiers in Plant Science 2, 70 (2011)
Journal Article
Huijser, P.; Schmid, M.: The control of developmental phase transitions in plants. Development 138 (19), pp. 4117 - 4129 (2011)
Journal Article
Srikanth, A.; Schmid, M.: Regulation of flowering time: all roads lead to Rome. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 68 (12), pp. 2013 - 2037 (2011)
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