Weigelworld Alumni
The Weigelworld alumni are listed in alphabetical order, with the last known position.
- Filippo Abbondanza (former Intern, 2016) MSc student, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Ji Hoon Ahn (former Postdoc, 1998-2001) Professor, Korea University, Korea
- Florian Aldehoff (former MS student, 2006-2007) Bioinformatics Staff Scientist, CeGAT, Tübingen, Germany
- Stig Andersen (former Postdoc, 2006-2007) Associate Professor, University of Aarhus, Denmark
- Chloé-Agathe Azencott (former Postdoc, 2011-2013) Researcher, CBIO, Fontainbleau, France
- Sureshkumar Balasubramanian (former Postdoc, 2002-2007) Professor, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
- Ana-Cristina Barragan Lopez Postdoc, The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL), Norwich, UK
- Claude Becker (former Postdoc, 2010 to 2016) Professor, LMU, Munich
- Felix Bemm Staff Scientist, KWS Saat SE, Einbeck, Germany
- Daniela Bezdan (former PhD student, 2005-2009) CSO, Poppy Health and Research, Tübingen
- Anita Bianchi
- Paul Bilinski (former Postdoc, 2016-2017) Associate professor, West Shore Community College, MI, USA
- Miguel Blázquez (former Postdoc, 1996-2000) Professor, IBMCP, Valencia, Spain
- Helena Boldt (former MS student, 2008-2009) Research Assistant, Childrens Hospital Boston
- Kirsten Bomblies (former Postdoc, 2004-2009) Professor, ETH Zürich Switzerland
- Karsten Borgwardt (former Group Leader) Professor, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Marie Bouteillé (visiting PhD student, 2009-2010) Postdoc, INRA, Montpellier, France
- Felix Breden (Sabbatical visitor, 2003) Professor, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
- Benjamin Buchfink (former Postdoc, 2019-2024)
- Hernán Burbano (former Postdoc, 2012-2014) Associate Professor, UCL, London, UK
- Maximilian A. Busch (former Postdoc, 1996-2000) Sales Representative, Tecniplast, Germany
- Wolfgang Busch (former PhD student, 2004-2008) Professor, Salk Institute, La Jolla, USA
- Jun Cao (former Postdoc, 2007-2012) Staff Scientist, Dow Agrosciences, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Giovanna Capovilla (former PhD student, 2013-2017) Postdoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Pablo Carbonell (Former Postdoc, 2018-2022) Senior Scientist, CSIC, Grape and Wine Research Institute (ICVV), Logroño, Spain
- Jim Carrington (Sabbatical visitor, 2008) President, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO, USA
- Eunyoung Chae (former Postdoc, 2007-2017) Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
- Susan K. Christensen (former Postdoc, 1996-2000)
- Michael Christie (former Postdoc, 2012-2014) Patent Attorney, Sydney, Australia
- Richard Clark (former Postdoc, 2004-2008) Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Silvio Collani (former Postdoc, 2012-2015) Postdoc, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Sweden
- Max Collenberg (former PhD Student, 2016-2022) GMP Expert, Catalent, Schorndorf
- Adrián Contreras (former PhD Student, 2018-2024) Postdoc, Université de Lille, Lille, France
- Vinicius Costa Galvão (former PhD student, 2008-2013) Postdoc, Bayer CropScience, Frankfurt
- Sandip Das (former Postdoc, 2002-2004) Associate Professor, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
- Timothy Davison (former Postdoc, 2004-2005) Vice President, Almac Diagnostics, Craigavon, UK
- Oliver Deusch (former Postdoc, 2018-2022) Scientific Product Manager, Computomics, Tübingen
- Jane Devos (former PhD student, 2013-2016) Staff scientist, Symrise, Madagascar
- José Dinenny (former PhD student, 2001-2005) Professor, Carnegie Institution, Stanford, USA
- Wei Ding (former MS student)
- Ezgi Dogan (former MS student, 2015-2016) PhD student, Center for Plant Molecular Biology, Tübingen, Germany
- Christian Dreischer (former MS student, 2011-2012) Scientific Analyst, Computomics GmbH, Tübingen, Germany
- Christine Dreyer (former Group leader, 2003-2013) retired
- Hajk-Georg Drost (former Group leader, 2019-2024) Group Leader & Associate Professor of Digital Biology, University of Dundee, UK
- Marion Dubarry (former MS Student, 2015) Bioinformatics Engineer, Genoscope, Evry, France
- Alejandra Duque (former Postdoc, 2018-2024), Project manager, CAIDERA, Institute for tropical Medicine, Tübingen, Germany
- Moisés Expósito Alonso (former PhD student, 2014-2018) Staff Associate and Assistant Professor by courtesy, Carnegie Institution of Science and Stanford University, USA
- Nasim Farahani (former Intern, 2017) PhD student, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Sarah Fehr (former MS student, 2006-2007) Staff Scientist, CeGaT, Tübingen, Germany
- Felipe Fenselau de Felipes (former PhD student, 2005-2010) Senior Research Associate, QUT, Brisbane, Australia
- Tatiana Feuerborn (former Intern, 2015) PhD student, Center for Geogenetics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Joffrey Fitz (former Software Developer, 2008-2013) Consultant, Praia, Cabo Verde
- Bonnie Fraser (former Postdoc, 2011-2016) Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter, UK
- Gregory F. Gocal (former Postdoc, 1997-2000) Sr. Vice President, Cibus Genetics, San Diego, CA, USA
- François Godard (former Postdoc, 2001-2002) deceased
- Alba Gonzalez Project Manager, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
- Vojislava Grbic (Sabbatical visitor, 2004-2008) Associate Professor, Western University, Ontario, Canada
- Dominik Grimm (former PhD student, 2010-2015) Professor, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Science, Freising
- Ya-Long Guo (former Postdoc, 2005-2011) Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- Rafal Gutaker (former Postdoc, 2014-2017) Research Leader, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK
- Jörg Hagmann (former PhD student, 2009-2015) Analyst, Computomics, Tübingen, Germany
- Stefan Henz (former Staff Scientist, 2003-2015) Senior Scientist Bioinformatics, MOLEQLAR Analytics GmbH, Munich, Germany
- Ken Heyndrickx (visiting PhD student, 2014) Staff Scientist, Bayer Cropscience, Ghent Belgium
- Julia Hildebrandt (Technician) Staff Scientist, CeGaT, Tübingen
- William Ho (former PhD student, 2008-2012) Postdoc, MIG, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Margarete Hoffmann (former Staff scientist, 2003-2014) retired
- Ray Hong (former PhD student, 1998-2002) Professor, California State University Northridge, CA, USA
- Daniel Horrer (fomer MS student, 2011-2012) IT consultant, PTA, Munich, Germany
- Tina Hu (visiting PhD student) Director of Bioinformatics, Elysium, USA
- Stefanie Hueber (former PhD student, 2004-2007) Project Leader, University of Konstanz, Germany
- Patrick Huether (former Diploma student, 2016) PhD student, Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna, Austria
- Noemie Jelly (visiting PhD student, 2008) Research Engineer, IBMC, Strasbourg, France
- Dino Jolic (former PhD student, 2011-2018)
- Talia Karasov Assistant Professor, School of Biologica Sciences, University of Utah
- Igor V. Kardailsky (former Postdoc, 1995-1997) Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, Qiagen, Aarhus, Denmark
- Darya Karelina (former PhD student, 2010-2015)
- Matthias Karnahl (former MS student, 2010)
- Johannes Kaut (former MS/PhD student, 2010-2012) Junior Manager Communications, Convensis Group, Stuttgart, Germany
- Sonja Kersten Bioinformatic analyst, Computomics, Tübingen, Germany
- Min Chul Kim (former Postdoc, 2002-2005) Associate Professor, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea
- Sang-Tae Kim (former Postdoc, 2007-2014) Assistant Professor, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
- Yasushi Kobayashi (former Postdoc, 2003-2010)
- Verena Kottler (former PhD student, 2009-2015) Postdoc, University of Würzburg, Germany
- Christian Kubica (former PhD student 2016-2022) Bioinformatics Scientist, Computomics, Tübingen
- Franceli Kulcheski (visiting PhD student, 2011-2012) Postdoc, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Axel Künstner (former Postdoc, 2012-2014) Postdoc, LIED, University of Lübeck, Germany
- Frank Küttner (former Technician, 2002-2014) retired
- Daniel König (former Postdoc, 2010-2015) Assistant Professor, UC Riverside, CA, USA
- Roosa Laitinen (former Postdoc, 2007-2011) Associate Professor, University Helsinki, Finland
- Tobias Langenecker (former PhD student, 2010-2015)
- Christa Lanz (former Technical Staff scientist/ Genome Center, 2000-2022) retired
- Sergio Latorre Postdoc, University College London (UCL), UK
- Sascha Laubinger (former Postdoc, 2006-2009) Professor, University of Oldenburg, Germany
- Sarah Lechner (former MS student, 2006-2007) Staff Scientist, CeGaT, Tübingen, Germany
- Ilha Lee (former Postdoc, 1995-1998) Professor, Seoul University, Korea
- Andrea Leibfried (former MS student, 2004-2005) Editor, Life Science Alliance
- Janne Lempe (former PhD student, 2002-2006) Research Assistant, Julius-Kühn-Institut, Dresden-Pillnitz, Germany
- Lei Li (former Postdoc 2016-2021) Principal Investigator, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), IGDB, Beijing, China
- EunCheon Lim (former PhD student, 2012-2016) Research Professor, Cohort Research Center, Chosun University, South Korea
- Christoph Lippert (former PhD student, 2008-2012) Professor, Hasso Plattner Institute, University Potsdam
- Chang Liu (former Postdoc, 2012-2015) Jun. Professor, Institute of Biology, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
- Ingrid Lohmann (former Group leader, 2002-2008) Professor, COS, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Jan Lohmann (former Postdoc and Group leader, 1999-2008) Professor, COS, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Ulrich Lutz (former Postdoc, 2016-2024), Self employed, Biogenda, Tübingen
- Lukas Maischak (former PhD student, 2020-2024)
- Alexis Maizel (former Postdoc, 2002-2005) Professor, COS, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Julin N. Maloof (former Postdoc, 1998-2001) Professor, UC Davis, CA, USA
- Pablo Manavella (former Postdoc, 2008-2013) Group Leader, CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina
- Jian-Feng Mao (former Postdoc, 2010-2012) Associate Professor, Beijing Forestry University, China
- Carmen Martín Pizarro (former Staff scientist, 2010-2013) Postdoc, CSIC, Spain
- Ulrike Martyn (former Postdoc, 2003-2004) deceased
- Johannes Mathieu (former PhD student, 2004-2009) Product Development Manager, Agri-Neo, Toronto, Canada
- Erica Mica (visiting PhD student, 2006) Research Coordinator, Genomics Research Center, Fiorenzuola d’Arda PC, Italy
- Grey Monroe Assistant Professor, UC Davis, Davis, CA
- Subhashini Muralidharan (former PhD student, 2010-2015) Scientific Writer, inScience Communications, London, UK
- Jonas Müller (former PhD student, 2010 to 2017) Bioinformatician, Limbach Group Mainz, Germany
- Manuela Neumann Research Technician, Robert-Bosch GmbH, Life Science
- Jasmine T. Nguyen (former MS student, 1998-1999) Staff Scientist, Takeda California, San Diego, CA, USA
- Ove Nilsson (former Postdoc, 1995-1997) Professor & Director, Umeå Plant Science Center, Sweden
- Stephan Ossowski (former PhD student, 2005-2010) Professor, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Felix Ott (former PhD student, 2008-2013) Staff Scientist, CeGaT, Tübingen, Germany
- Javier Palatnik (former Postdoc, 2001-2005) Head of Laboratory, IBR (CONICET), Rosario, Argentina
- François Parcy (former Postdoc, 1996-1998) Directeur de Récherche, CNRS, Grenoble, France
- Fiona Paul
- Josip Perkovic retired
- Sebastian Petersen (former MSc student, 2015-2016) PhD student, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Jathish Ponnu (former PhD student, 2008-2014) Postdoc, University of Cologne, Germany
- David Posé Padilla (former Postdoc, 2009-2013) Group Leader, CSIC, University of Malaga, Spain
- Jorge Quintana (former PhD student, 2012-2016) Scientific Manager, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Berlin, Germany
- Leily Rabbani Bioinformatician, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Barbara Rakitsch (former PhD student, 2011-2014) Postdoc, EMBL, University of Cambridge, UK
- Julian Regalado Postdoc, The Globe Insitute, Anders Johannes Hansen Group, Faculty Health, University of Copenhagen
- Jens Riexinger (former Technician, 2010-2012) Technician, ALTATEC GmbH, Tübingen, Germany
- Andres Romanowski (former visiting Postdoc, 2015) Postdoc, Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Beth Rowan (former Postdoc, 2009-2016) Project Scientist, UC Davis, CA, USA
- Ignacio Rubio (former Postdoc, 2006-2015) Associate Professor, CRAG, Barcelona, Spain
- Stephen Russell (former Postdoc, 2005-2006)
- Patrice Salomé (former Postdoc, 2006-2013) Science Editor, Plant Cell
- Juan Diego Santillana Ortiz (former PhD student, 2010-2011) PhD student, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
- Emanuele Scacchi (former Postdoc, 2012-2017) Postdoc, ZMBP, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Katrin Schaak (former MS student, 2003-2004) Postdoc, Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Edinburgh, UK
- Anna-Lena Schinke (former PhD student, 2009-2012) unknown
- Gautam Shirsekar (former Postdoc, 2013-2024) Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- Markus Schmid (former Postdoc and Project Leader, 2000-2015) Professor, Swedish Agricultural University, Umeå, Sweden
- Korbinian Schneeberger (former MS/PhD student, 2006-2010) Professor, LMU, Munich, Germany
- Marius Schneider
- Carla Schommer (former Postdoc, 2002-2006) Researcher, CONICET, Rosario, Argentina
- Rebecca Schwab (former PhD student, 2002-2006) Group Leader, MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany
- Gabriele Schweikert (former PhD student, 2005-2009) Principal Investigator, University of Dundee, UK and Cyber Valley, Tübingen
- Sabine Schäfer
- R. Allen Sessions (former Postdoc, 1997-2000) Team Leader, Bayer CopScience, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
- Danelle Seymour (former PhD student, 2011-2015) Assistant Professor, UC Riverside, CA, USA
- Or Shalev (former PhD student, 2016-2021) Postdoc, Systems Biology of Microbial Communities, University of Tübingen
- Eshita Sharma (former PhD student, 2009-2013) Research Associate, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, UK
- Vipula Shukla (former Postdoc, 1997-1999) Sr. Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, USA
- Anandita Singh (former Postdoc, 2002-2004) Associate Professor & Head of Department, TERI University, New Delhi, India
- Noemi Skorzinski (former PhD student, 2014-2015) PhD student, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Sweden
- Lisa Smith (former Postdoc, 2007-2013) Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
- Lara N. Soowal (former PhD student, 1993-1998) Lecturer, UC San Diego, CA, USA
- Andrea Sprecher (former MS student, 2010-2011) Bioinformatics Staff, CeGAT, Tübingen, Germany
- Thanvi Srikant (former Phd student, 2017-2021) Postdoc, ETH Zürich
- Anusha Srikant (former PhD student, 2006-2011)
- Oliver Stegle (former Postdoc, 2009-2012) Professor, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany
- Sandra Stehling (former PhD student, 2001-2005) Postdoc, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
- Matthias Stein (former MS student, 2006-2007) Research Group Leader, Center for Molecular Cardiology, University of Zurich
- Petra Stöbe (former PhD student, 2003-2009) Scientific Staff, CeGAT, Tübingen, Germany
- Patric Sulz (former MS student, 2010-2011)
- Yuhua Sun (former Postdoc, 2007-2008) Postdoc, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
- Sridevi Sureshkumar (former PhD student, 2006-2007) Group Leader, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
- Takuya Suzaki (former Postdoc, 2008) Assistant Professor, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan
- Kelly Swarts (former Postdoc, 2016-2018) Group Leader, Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna, Austria
- Efthymia Symeonidi (former PhD student, 2014-2018) Postdoc, Karasov Lab, University of Utah
- Luisa Teasdale (former Postdoc, 2020-2024), Staff Scientist, Victoria Agriculture, Melbourne, Australia
- Hezi Tenenboim (former MS student, 2007-2008) Academic writer and editor, Textarkana, Berlin, Germany
- Michael Thelen (former MS/PhD student, 2017-2018) PhD student, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Marco Todesco (former PhD student and Postdoc, 2005-2012) Postdoc, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Diep Tran (former PhD student, 2011-2016) Staff Scientist, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France
- Namita Tripathi (former PhD student, 2004-2009) Postdoc, University of Alberta, Canada
- N. Henriette Uhlenhaut (former MS student, 2001-2002) Group Leader, Helmholtz Center, Munich, Germany
- Anand Upadhyaya (former Intern, 2014-2015) Medical Student, Washington University St. Louis, USA
- Yonca Ural (former MS student, 2013) Postdoc, MPI of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main
- Anna-Lena Van de Weyer (former PhD student, 2014-2018) Bioinformatician, LABOKLIN GmbH & Co.KG
- François Vasseur (former Postdoc, 2012-2016) Researcher, INRA, Monpellier, France
- Paula Vilchez (former plant manager, 2013-2015)
- Janina Vogt (former Technician, 2007-2010)
- Yoav Voichek Postdoc, GMI, Vienna, Austria
- Takuji Wada (former Postdoc, 1998-2001) Staff Scientist, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Vanessa Wahl (former PhD student, 2003-2007) Group Leader, MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm, Germany
- Bridgit Waithaka
- Xi Wang (former Postdoc, 2011-2014) Senior Staff Scientist, Bayer Cropscience, Ghent, Belgium
- Hua Wang (former Postdoc, 2019-2021) Associate Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
- George Wang (former Postdoc, 2010-2016) Self-employed, Davis, CA, USA
- Congmao Wang (former Postdoc, 2012-2015) Group Leader, ZheJiang Academy of Agricultural Science, China
- Jia-Wei Wang (former Postoc, 2005-2011) Professor, SIPPE, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
- Norman Warthmann (former MS/PhD student, 2001-2012) Plant Breeding and Genetics Laboratory of the FAO/IAEA, Seibersdorf, Austria
- Tanja Weinand (former MS student, 2004-2005) R&D, Gerbion GmbH, Kornwestheim, Germany
- Clemens Weiss (Phd student) Postdoc, Stanford University, CA, USA
- Jonathan D. Werner (former PhD student, 1999-2004) Principal Lab Systems Engineer, Symantec, Mountain View, CA, USA
- Schallum Werner (former PhD student, 2006-2010) Executive Director, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg, Germany
- Anjar Wibowo Assistant Professor, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Philip A. Wigge (former Postdoc and Group leader, 2000-2005) Director, Leibniz Institute of Veg. & Ornament. Crops, Großbeeren, Germany
- Eva-Maria Willing (former PhD student, 2007-2011) Bioinformatician, Institut für Hämatopathologie, Hamburg
- Rod Wing (Sabbatical visitor, 2009-2010) Professor, University of Arizona,Tucson, USA
- Heike Wollmann (former MS/PhD student, 2004-2009) Special Consultant, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Liang Wu (former Postdoc, 2010-2011) Associate Professor, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, China
- Xuelin Wu (former Postdoc, 2000-2007) Visiting Assistant Professor, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, USA
- Rui Wu (former Postdoc, 2015-2018)
- Haijia Wu (former MS student, 2008)
- Wanyan Xi (former Postdoc, 2013-2016), Technician, ZMBP, University of Tübingen
- Levi Yant (former PhD Student, 2006-2009) Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, UK
- Yuan You (former Postdoc, 2011-2016) Independent Scientist, ZMBP, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Maricris Zaidem (former PhD student, 2010-2016) Postdoc, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
- Georg Zeller (former MS/PhD student, 2005-2009) Team Leader, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
- Panpan Zhang
- Zhong Zhao (former Postdoc, 2006-2008) Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
- Wangsheng Zhu Associate Professor, Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing, China
- Gideon Zipprich (former MS student, 2010-2012) Bioinformatician, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany